Steve Magnante selling his cars and house. (1962 Dodge Dart with police package)


Active Member
Jul 17, 2020
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Is there a rich dude out there that will pay off Steve's medical bills? This guy knows so many rich people with car collections, I thought his medical bills wouldn't be a problem. It really bothers me that millions die each year just due to the costs of staying alive, but I guess that's a separate issue.

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I donated, I wish someone would start one for all Dr bills debt. Just terrible. No where near his and I have great insurance but damn $5000 may as well be 5 million for me
It’s disgusted me for many years the state of the medical insurance in this country, The greatest country on a frigging planet and the government and corporate big shots or more focused on profit and care less over health. Damn Shame.

As to Steve, I wish him the best and will donate, but you work for a company as big as Motor Trend, and his health insurance isn’t covered?
As to Steve, I wish him the best and will donate, but you work for a company as big as Motor Trend, and his health insurance isn’t covered?
From what I understand, most magazine writers aren't really employees. They are free lance or independent contractors.

I'm thinking that he has some medical bills plus he had no income for months and probably not great prospects for income in the future. For all we know, he may have exhausted any coverage he had, or for that matter, he might not have had health insurance to begin with.
Coverage, savings, credit cards, who knows. With the shear cost of just living, compounded with ALL that just keeps coming when your spend months on end in the hospital. I pray for him. I do agree, with all the industry "friends" you'd think someone would offer up. Of course we just don't know who or how much. Damn shame, at least he's alive and moving though.
This is exactly what CAN HAPPEN when all of us MOPAR gear heads pull together. I donated myself as many of us are one medical disaster away from his misfortune. I tip my hat to all who donated.
If you want to help him out go watch his **** on UTube, he doesn't seem to be doing to bad by StarStats.

(edit) Oh and don't use a AD Blocker, his channel will not make any coin if you do.

What's the average yearly income to live in Massachusetts? Please understand, I agree with you. However 74k seems a bit low for a New England state.
What's the average yearly income to live in Massachusetts? Please understand, I agree with you. However 74k seems a bit low for a New England state.
When I threw in the towel and got the fluck out of there in the late 80's it was approaching a minimum of $80k a year, I take it Steve lives in the western part of the state in N. Brookfield(?) pretty toney area IIRC but back decades ago very less populated resulting in lower property taxes. I doubt it's that way anymore. Same as what is going on here in Floriduh, Young Yankee's making a big stink about the schools and teachers need to make a $100 grand just to look after they're devil spawn...
