For Sale 1962 Chrysler 300 Sport Convertible

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Way-ta-go there, Pete. You got a really neat car. I imagine that car is even more rare than a 300-H convertible.
At-a-boy Pete! Congrats!!!

Great score, real nice car... can't wait to see it all gussied up and sparkling. Best of luck with it. :eek:ccasion14:

It was me that purchased it. A down payment goes out Friday and the pick up is being scheduled by a frend of mine and giving me a hell of a deal. He may take a side trip to buy one for himself at Barrett Jackson and be back in January. Friend (mechanic) alrady lined up and long term storage also. Things appear to be coming together. It will look sharp standing next to my '59 Imperial Custom Coupe.

PM sent Pete.........

Good to know it ended up in the right Hands. Congrats.
First I have to say I'm happy for Pete ........
but there is some sour milk here. The car was sold, a second time, after my offer was accepted by phone conversation with Nathan yesterday afternoon, and the deal was confirmed by the seller, (who is denying that now), and by me, repeated a couple times to avoid confusion. I even let him set the terms of the deposit to be paid to his pp account.

What did he have to gain by making a second deal...? a hundred bucks...... ! He threw me under the bus for a hundred bucks.

I waited for Chris to follow through with his inquiry and he told me to go for it once his offer wasen't accepted. I called Nathan immediately and he was able to answer what questions I had well enough that, coupled with the posted pictures, and the knowledge that this would likely be an opportunity that would not repeat itself, I made my offer, and he accepted it. Now he says he would never have concidered anything less then his asking price, (not sure what the OBO meant in his post). I was prepaired to pay his price had he rejected my offer of $7900.00, he didn't..... so why would I raise my offer....?
I even emailed Chris after the call and informed him I had made the deal.

Intentional or not...... his actions were very unethical, and don't speak well of his character.

What Will is saying is true. I'm surprised though because Nathan seemed ok when I was trying to work out a deal. I guess you never know just what a person is thinking when it comes to money.
What a Dick.................. Sorry to hear about that Will. I just went through a situation like this with a desk for my son tonight. My kids money, his deal I wanna punch the seller. I can not possibly imagine going through this over a car.... You must be beside yourself:elmer:
Sorry to hear about this are a good man, you deserve better than a lowlife like that. Taking nothing away from Pete or Chris, of course! Now we can all hope when the car shows up @ Pete's place that it's in the condition described, if it is it's still a great deal.

If that guy does show his face again i'm sure this crew will be happy to send him mess with the FCBO crew, you mess with family.
Sorry about what happened Will. As stated above $ can bring out the worst side of people. Hopefully another opportunity comes along for you.
Guys, nobody got "thown under the bus" for a hundred bucks. Even if they did, it's not my hundred bucks. If casting me as an evil, double dealer makes anybody feel better then sobeit. I hope it does make them feel better.
Once again Will, I'm sorry you feel the way you do and I'm sorry about the [genuine] misunderstanding. Mistakes happen and I'm certainly not above admitting imperfection, but when veiwing the facts from my end I feel I did what was fair. If I'm wrong I'm sure car buying karma will get me my just comeuppance sooner or later. Next time, I'm just putting whatever I'm selling on eBay.
For probably the first time in your life you were doing the right thing by offering for sale a very desirable car for a fair price to the exact right people. And, as should have been expected from any scumbag dealer, you couldn't pull it off at the end. You chocked. Go F%$# yourself. Your reputation in the Mopar World just went down the toilet. Now go sell a Toyata....

Posted via Topify on Android
Man, how did I miss this whole thread.... What a car, and great deal! Quite unfortunate about the sale details though.
Mistake ? How the Hell does a mistake like that happen? Obviously greed got the better of you . You had a deal and ignored it... You can't even be honest in your own story..... Can a mod please make this loser go away?

Well this now becomes irrelevant !!

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