For Sale '65 Riv.

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Just happened to read an old Road Test from a German Magazine for the 64 Riviera. They were not impressed with hard cornering abilities, indirect steering and the all drum Setup for our European conditions. The mag was well known for having a few competion Drivers in staff.
Top Speed was 190 km/h about 120 mph. Brakes however already showed Fading after one stop from 100 mph. List Price over here would have bought you a small house.
For effortless driving however it was considered most suitable.

Reviews improved considerably for American cars overall in later years after radial tires, disc Brakes and fancier suspensions took over. Different market.
Between the Riviera and the Runner we used a bunch of premium gas. We didn't leave much shade anywhere either. Picked up RT66 in Ill and road all the way to Amarillo.

His dad covered all the expences on the trip. He must have gotten a pretty good price for that Riv.
That must have been a blast!
And Jer?, I loved your Riv and I've never even seen it!:grin:
Stan. If you're asking what happened to that '66 Buick It'z painful, but in those dayz we were so poor that if something went wrong with the wheelz it waz cheaper to trade it then fix it! (Less cash outlay) The muffler system took ah dump and with dual exhaust plus two resonators and the pipez they quoted me $1000 for the new system so I drove out of the dealership with ah new Wildcat. I wanted the 2.25 but couldn't afford it. Hell, I didn't even have anti freeze in the Riv and I told 'um so but they didn't listen. I traded around Halloween and they let it sit on there back lot 'til after Thanksgiving. Last I heard waz that they wholesaled it in the getto with a cracked block
The muffler system took ah dump and with dual exhaust plus two resonators and the pipez they quoted me $1000 for the new system

The exhaust system on a Riviera was the downfall of many of them. Perhaps because the cars were so low they seemed to have a short life span. And, as Jer said, were expensive to replace.
That was my biggest recollection on those cars. Exhaust systems. Hang a set. Cook for one Boston winter. Replace.

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Yeah Will. 1K back in '68 would have been the down stroke on ah 3 bedroom 1 and ah 1/2 bath brand spankin' new 1500 sq. ft' ponderosa with ah 2 stall playpen if you could save that much. One other thing I remember 'bout that Buric Riverera waz that the speedo on it didn't stop at 120, it went to 140 MPH and waz one ah them scroll type like my '57 DeSoto Adventure only about 4"s wide that would just keep bouncin' on 'n off the 140# once you got there.
I'm not so sure. The boat tail Riviera's were bad ***. I had a 68,72 and two 76's at the same time. The 72 was the best.

In 1969 I had a friend who's dad was a wholesale car dealer, mostly upper end cars. I had my new 69 A12 road runner.
He had a 69 Riv that needed to be delivered to Amarillo TX from Detroit and asked if I'd go as a chase vehicle and we would ride back in the Runner.
We took off and it was evident right away that my A12 Runner was no match for that Riv on the open road.

I'd love to have another Riviera if the right one cam along. It would be either a 66-7-8 or a 71, GS.

Wow, 4 Rivieras simultaneously... Will, have I ever said you suck?

Anyway, for speed only I would take a boat tail, for styling and comfort and I guess everything else a Monaco. :)
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This car has given me tingly sensations in my happy places for years....The lines of the Riviera, and the mild chop just work for me!

Seriously, though, I would think you'd be a Gentleman's Hot Rod ( a/c, 4 SPD, big luxury rwd cruiser) type of guy. You have a lot of racer in you

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