Hurricane Ian


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Hopefully all the Floridian fcbo members have evacuated the area if in the path of the storm or have hunkered down in a safe area.
Stay safe down there.
My thoughts and prayers to all of our FCBO members and families located in the area of Ian. I am very concerned about all this and hope all are safe.
My thoughts are with everyone in the path of this storm. Hopefully everyone finds a safe spot to shelter and will check in here when they can.
Here is another casualty of Hurricane Ian and it looks like a nice one - it hurts to see this Plymouth Superbird photo but hopefully it can be fixed, but if it has taken in a lot of salt water, then it might be problematic.

Here is another casualty of Hurricane Ian and it looks like a nice one - it hurts to see this Plymouth Superbird photo but hopefully it can be fixed, but if it has taken in a lot of salt water, then it might be problematic.

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Read some where that the storm surge pushed them out of the garage right through the overhead doors.
You know that there’s a risk of storm surge that was forecast to wash right over burrier islands and yet you think it’ll be ok to leave these 2 cars on hoists and they’re going to be fine? There’s another picture that clearly shows this is a waterfront home….:BangHead:
I have never seen a 12 year old boy 20 ft behind a SUPERBIRD and stand t twice as tall as the car and wing? Plymouth lettering is still flat and straight all though the panel is damaged right on it and top and bottom.
Looks small and placed in a pic.
Two grown men, a full grown girl and just their heads are as tall on a Daytona and a SUPERBIRD wing is taller.




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I have never seen a 12 year old boy 20 ft behind a SUPERBIRD and stand t twice as tall as the car and wing? Plymouth lettering is still flat and straight all though the panel is damaged right on it and top and bottom.
Looks small and placed in a pic.
Not a hoax.
Fine here in Daytona Beach Florida, the city took about the usual hurricane tear up, seawall up on the north side of the city at a old condo tower was destroyed, lot of flooding county wide in all the usual areas (midtown basin) storm water drainage pumps couldn't keep up. The multi-million dollar Beach St. Park improvement didn't work to protect the downtown stores and they had the usual flooding and business's are crying. Flagler Pier lost the end (again) I think another pier SunGlow(?) lost the end with this new restaurant on it (they will never learn), I haven't heard if our Main St. Pier has taken any damage yet but it usually does. Spectrum Internet was Fubar before the storm hit us and had to use cell data, TV was fine. On the 29th just before noon when the wind really started to pick up everything went down, cell phone voice/data (that was a major FU) and of course Spectrum totally gone both TV & 'net. Power didn't go out where I'm at (thanks Jeb!) Both local radio stations went off the air about 10am and are still off the air today. Was forced to do the Married with Children FOX TV viewing antenna dance to get the Orlando stations. Fences got knocked down, rotted trees got blown over, crappy aged signs were destroyed, people drove into flooded streets and had to be rescued... just another day in Floriduh paradise.

(edit) oh and of course our local TV News people are idiots, except J.B. Biunno, he'da MAN!


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That whole area was a disaster bomb just waiting to go off (again) since the first build up in the 60's. It was funny on the local FOX News live stream from down there yesterday they interviewed a young adult (kid IMHO) and he said "I've lived here all my life and I've never seen it this bad". I shake my head, he don't remember Hurricane Charley? Oh yea that was what almost 20 years ago so if he's 18 he may have been in his mothers belly when that happened.
Here's a refresher from Punta Gorda when the eye of Charley went over this guys house:


I wonder how my cousin is doing as she moved to 'The Forum' 'bout 10 years ago, don't think she'll be going to the FT Myers pier to watch sunsets for quite awhile...

I am corrected
Not a hoax

The perspective is weird though, I'll tell ya that....those people do look abnormally big for what appears to be be about 40 feet away. Tricks of the camera I guess.

I'm sure the car is insured and hopefully it can be saved. More importantly though I hope nobody was hurt. Look at that house though - despite ground floor flooding, it looks like unscathed otherwise. Not a window blown out. They'll just have to move the garage to the second floor.