22 November 1963....President Kennedy Assassinated. Where were you???

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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I remember President Kennedy being assassinated clear as day. I was 8 years old and they sent us home from school early that day. Everyone was sad....women crying. I watched Lee Harvey Oswald get shot live on TV by Jack Ruby. Watched the whole funeral and burial live on TV. Republicans, Democrats, Americans and the world in general were sad and shocked that the President was assassinated.
23 Years before my time but a very sad story back then.

I saw a Movie a while ago about the Kennedy affair, good 3,5 hours movie.


A little less then 6 years later I was born but it must have been a devastating thing to have watched it all go down.
I took my Mother, brother and niece to Arlington National Cemetery around the year 2000. We were viewing JFK's eternal flame and my Mother was crying. I asked her if she was OK and she said JFK's assassination was still very emotional to her almost 40 years later. Her emotion reminded me and brought back that moment in time in 1963.
I was in first grade. I got on the bus to go home and the driver was slumped over the steering wheel. She was crying her eyes out. I was six so not sure I understood the situation but I knew it was bad.
9th grade Physics class.
The look on the teacher's face told me something very bad was coming...
I was in fourth grade too. I remember the teachers were very emotional and they all were out in the hall talking. I was bending over getting a book from the bookcase when the teacher announced what had happened.
Tad over two years before me, my wife has friend that was born the 24 th talk about being born under a black cloud.
I was in second grade. Me and a school buddy were walking home from school. His house was before mine and his mom came out the front door when she saw us coming up the sidewalk and told us President Kennedy had been shot. I made my way to our place about a block away and my mom was watching it unfold on TV. By then they had just announced he was dead and things were pretty bleak. I didn't really know what it all meant but just stayed there watching it with her.
I thought I knew pretty much everything about the assassination and funeral.

I just realized from the news today.....

1. Jackie was only 34 years old when the President was murdered.

2. JFK Jr's salute to his Dad....how the hell did they get a 3 year old to do the salute???

The answer was that they took him to Arlington 2 weeks earlier and taught him to salute when a Soldier's casket came by for burial. So when he saw his Dad's casket come by he snapped to attention and rendered a perfect salute...at 3 years old!!!!

Salute to JFK Jr.!!!


Here in Canada the reaction was much the same as the recollections above. I was 8 years old and remember our teachers emotional reaction. My parents were also very upset. Man do I feel old.
Here in Canada the reaction was much the same as the recollections above. I was 8 years old and remember our teachers emotional reaction. My parents were also very upset. Man do I feel old.

I was also 8.

There's a bunch of us here on FCBO that this life changing event has had a life long impact.
I wasn't born yet but I was in DC during the recent buffoon shutdown & Arlington was one of the few things open.

The JFK memorial is unbelievably moving & the inscriptions there from his inauguration speech are mind blowing. I can't imagine the pressure he must have felt.

By the way, check out Stephen King's novel "11-22-63", pretty good read.
I wasn't born yet but I was in DC during the recent buffoon shutdown & Arlington was one of the few things open.

The JFK memorial is unbelievably moving & the inscriptions there from his inauguration speech are mind blowing. I can't imagine the pressure he must have felt.

By the way, check out Stephen King's novel "11-22-63", pretty good read.

Did you get to observe the "Changing of the Guards" at the Tomb of the Unknowns while you were there?
The JFK affair predates me by awhile, but I remember while growing up listening to my folks talk about where they were and what they were doing at the precise moment JFK was shot. My mom was at a laundry mat and my dad was under the hood of his Dodge Coronet. He told me once he ran into the house to watch Walter Kronkite announce the president was killed because he didn't believe what was on the radio. Also watched Kronkite anchor the moon landing.
Nope, everything was off track due to the shut down.

You have to see it next time you;re in DC. It is the single most professional operation I have ever witnessed. It still brings a tear or two to my eye every time I observe it.

I've even been to the Tomb of the Unknowns (dozens of times) in former communist East Berlin when the Cold War was still being fought. That was pretty cool too!