Voyager 1 and 2 still alive!!!! 38,000 mph!


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
Every so often I check in on these amazing machines. The time a signal sent to the voyager and back at the speed of light [186000 miles per second] takes over 38 hours. Voyager 1 is travelling at over 38,000 mph. It will take the voyager at this speed 75,000 years to travel ONE light year.
There is still fuel on board. The radioactive power plant is slowly dyeing and they have had to shut down certain systems to keep it alive. It is about to or already has depending whom you ask reached interplanetary space. An area where the suns influence is overcome by everything else in space.
Any way I thought some may find this as fascinating as I do.

Voyager - The Interstellar Mission
So long as the Chuck Berry riffs survive and can be decoded by Whatever, then it will have been worth it.
LOL you guys crack me up,,,
Im hoping these kind of aliens..

Take me to your car dealer...:)
27 years ago, from ~4 Billion miles away, Voyager 1 took the famous "Pale Blue Dot" photo below (the little speck inside the blue circle is "Home Sweet Home").

I agree. The "V-gers" are remarkable machines. I remember their launches vividly, doing science reports in high school on them. can't believe they both are still "sciencing the sh*t" outta stuff.

Anyway, it'll take 80,000 years, at 40,000 mph, to get to the nearest star, otherwise doesn't appear to be anything they'll run into until then except space dust (which STILL is remarkable btw).

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What's beyond the boundries of outer space?

If you mean beyond what we can see (i.e., outside the "observable Universe"), it depends on what "headache-inducing" theory one fancies.

The people with 3-4 PhD's kinda like this theory below. My tiny brain does too -- it matches observations we can make :) -- but this stuff is way too deep for me.


or, could be we are like "cartoon characters" trying to figure out what's beyond the world of the television set on which we are playing. We cant and never will -- even assuming we somehow KNEW we were on TV :(.
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