And another question about current values.

King Hooter

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2019
Reaction score
Albert Lea, MN
Looking to pick the collective brain of the forum on this question. What would or should the current market be?
Cruising around Facebook I've come across a 75 New Yorker Brougham coupe in triple white. Supposedly there has been paint and body work done. (the interior seems to be dingy and yellowing?) It was the sellers grandfathers car. They want it to go to someone who'll give tlc and enjoy it. I personally feel the price is a bit steep. I've been toying with contacting the owner but I don't want to waste our time.
1975 chry nyr brom 107511773_10223359034546684_741743227339213333_n.jpg

After attending the Steve and Jodi Heitman auction I was quite shocked at what the current values of formal C-bodies were. Was my expectations that low? Or was it just the auction atmosphere with the online bidders driving up prices?
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They're fairly reasonable. On occasion you'll see one go for what I consider "Stupid Prices"....Too High! But that's for an exceptional example (doesn't need anything) vehicle. It still remains whatever the buyer is willing to pay! In the case of the above '75, it depends on how well the work/repair was done....also, how it was maintained and stored, How's the interior? I'd say a range of $3500 - $5000 tops!
It’s worth whatever you’re willing to pay. How much does the vehicle mean to you.
Most everyone in this hobby has a story why they chose their particular car.
You want it, buy it and enjoy it.
Thanks for the insight. The coupe in my original post was listed at $7500 b/o. So I didn't go anywhere near that one.
So I will present you all with another question. Just what color is the 77 New Yorker in the pics below?


I will know by Tuesday if this New Yorker is still available. Some info for those who want it. From the email I got tonight someone has put money down but not for sure they're buying yet.
One owner 1977 Chrysler New Yorker no rust all original 440 lean burn some updates and some issues I think I see. Is/was this a good deal at $3500? Stay tuned?.....

Edit: If it's a member here who is the one that has placed the down payment my apologies for the post.




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I think $3500 is a bit high! The color (IMO) doesn't make it....but the interior looks to be in good shape. I always focus on the front seat particularly the drivers seat the dash, steering wheel for cracks and door panels. Mechanically speaking, I like to seek advice from fellow forum members!
Good deal for the price.
With the buttercotch and caramel colors looks like Kraft candy on wheels,LOL!!

^^ If it was a coupe it would be!

Quit being so frugal. It's guys like you, and the derby guys, that are driving prices into the depths of hell.:poke:

That's a very nice car, quit beating up on it. Just because it's not a two door or a color you don't like (that's what they make paint for) don't knock it.

Just my humble opinion.

Sorry, but I'm really getting tired of cheap ***'s driving the prices of quality cars into the dirt. It's time these cars got some respect.
I'd take a four door formal, and this one looks nice. $3500 is good in my book.
I'm reserving my opinion on the color until I see it in natural sunlight. Not completely in love but it might just grow on me with a good polishing.
I'm more concerned about the Lean Burn and a need for a yearly recharge of the A/C. And not for sure if it's a shadow or the trim is coming up under the drivers side of the back window.
In 24hrs I should know.
78Brougham: It's rediculous prices (not saying this car is) that are keeping a lot people from getting into the hobby to begin with. Quite frankly, I don't care what YOU or anyone else over here thinks about what my opinion is about the value of any particular car! I don't think that $3500 is's, IMO, a little high! It's up to the buyer and seller to determine a price and if it's acceptable. This guy is looking to buy a vehicle and asking for other forumers advice or opinions. I expressed my opinion, if he doesn't like what my opinion is...Fine, I'm not going to lose sleep over it! I've always aired on being cautious on purchasing items, not just cars....that's the way I am! You have your opinion and I have mine. I have two Formals myself and honestly, I didn't get them because of weather they where/are going to appreciate or not! Rant over!