Sunday Night Chuckle - (radiator question) 72 Imperial

Wile E Coyote

Super Genius
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
I have a spare 28" radiator for my 72 Imperial from a 72 Imperial; Chrysler Part #3574601. I took it to the best radiator shop in the Knoxville area and after patiently trying to repair the top tank from the inside - they have thrown their hands up and said it can't be saved. They say the bottom tank is fine and that re-coreing it is no problem but I'll need a top tank.

So here's the question to make everyone laugh this evening; any idea where I can find an NOS top tank or even a complete NOS 3574601 radiator?

Let the laughter begin!!

Thanks, Ron
He said NOS..
New Old Stock....
Don't see that happening....
But getting a replacement can be done...
He said NOS..
New Old Stock....
Don't see that happening....
But getting a replacement can be done...

My chips are all in for a replacement as well. Point me in the right direction please? I checked the archives before posting and didn't find a clear solution. Thanks for the help!
The tanks were not serviced separately from Chrysler, you got the whole radiator or nothing.
So like suggested earlier see if you can find a rad with good tanks
and then have it re cored....
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So, is the metal too thin for them to tack it closed? Or too many perforations? What about taking a strap of metal, cleaning and prepping, and then braze it on the inner surface to make a large patch over the flaky area? Then get some lead to smooth it out on the outer surface, pressure test, paint, reinstall? No worse than fixing rust holes, I suspect, just different metals involved.

NOW, if the rolled flanges are the issue, being thinned with age and use, that's another situation all together!
