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  1. ideologist

    Mathilda, Our Lovely 66 Newport, Wantonly DESTROYED by a Gen Xcrement Sociopath!

    I'm really sorry to see a wrecked car, but you're incredibly lucky that your child didn't die. A tremendous tirade when you were clearly distracted, her insurance company will have a field day with this post if they find it, and you should delete it. Pay attention to safety seats and other...
  2. ideologist

    Buzzsaw sound?

    It starts that sound as soon as I turn the key. Swapped batteries no change. Is there a way to troubleshoot the ignition switch or just swap it?
  3. ideologist

    Buzzsaw sound?

    Yeah so the starter is toast, if not more damage. The initial whining is my electric fan, then I turn the key for less than a second Video here:
  4. ideologist

    Buzzsaw sound?

    I'll record later when I try it again, it caught me off guard so I left it alone yesterday and didn't get back to it this morning, but I'll tinker this evening
  5. ideologist

    Buzzsaw sound?

    I was planning to replace the timing belt, it started to squeal. I'll try tightening that or a new belt. Thanks everyone for confirming my thoughts that it was the starter. I didn't want to learn what an RB engine eating itself sounded like
  6. ideologist

    Buzzsaw sound?

    It does start and run, and the sound was only right at the beginning of the start-up, not during running. I immediately backed off the key when I heard it
  7. ideologist

    Buzzsaw sound?

    Has anyone heard a buzzsaw sound before when trying to start their car? I changed over the intake and carb and was testing out the new firing. I had a couple of dry fires, then got it running pretty smoothly. Was running pretty hot right away so I shut it down. Started it a few minutes later and...
  8. ideologist

    Fuel pressure too high?

    Yes, it's the stock pump. I'll buy another gauge and check, thanks.
  9. ideologist

    Fuel pressure too high?

    My fuel pressure gauge shoots right up to the max of 15psi when the engine is running. Is this worrisome? Stock fuel pump (I was fixing the fuel line, it is leaking on one side, so playing with the fit and tightness to get it right and noticed the pressure)
  10. ideologist

    Ignition coil placement

    No problem, I went Cal Custom because I'm building a muscle car under the hood, and grandma cruiser on the outside. I'll look at firewall placement. The previous owner's nephew put an electronic ignition on the firewall but didn't finish hooking it up, so I may just learn how to do that as well
  11. ideologist

    Ignition coil placement

    Has anyone here used a non-stock set of valve covers? Where do you prefer to re-home the coil? I'm wondering if it would work on the passenger side panel in the engine bay, using a longer spark cable and lengthening the wires. Any thoughts, opinions, or photos would be appreciated. Thank you...
  12. ideologist

    Vacuum hose, another dumb question

    I don't have the trunk release button. Based on where it goes through the firewall, it's probably the heater controls. I never fathomed those buttons used vacuum
  13. ideologist

    Coolant lines

    Absolutely, and it's not connected, I just had to pull it to have room to get the hoses onto the engine. I removed it completely to clean up the bracket and bolts and lengthen the wires
  14. ideologist

    Vacuum hose, another dumb question

    I don't! I bought one to install, and was going to T off of whatever this is. My car is a factory bench seat with a column shifter, was going to find a way to mount it upside down under the dash because I thought it was nifty
  15. ideologist

    Vacuum hose, another dumb question

    Where does this little black hose go inside the ca? It is hooked up to the two-pronged vacuum fitting on the intake manifold. Larger hose goes to a brake booster? Not sure where the little one goes, I can't follow it without dismantling most of the dash apparently Thanks for any guidance!
  16. ideologist

    Coolant lines

    Mine isn't AC equipped, or I'm apparently blind I wanted to see what braided steel looked like, I'm going to fabricate a stainless bracket to route these over the wheel well and back to the engine. You're welcome to tell me how stupid it looks
  17. ideologist

    Coolant lines

    That must be what those ports were for, I couldn't figure it out
  18. ideologist

    Coolant lines

    Hello, any issues with the stock pump pushing through longer lines? I want to move the lines away from the engine out to the wheel well for decluttering the engine. Let me know if there's an issue with adding another foot or two. Also, which port on the firewall goes to which port on the pump...
  19. ideologist

    65 Headlight housings?

    Is this black rubber plug available still? Would like to freshen up the wiring and use a new rubber piece if possible
  20. ideologist

    65 Headlight housings?

    Thanks guys. There is a set of gaskets that lay directly on the grille for the headlight covers. Is this a part still available?