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Garage For Mopars Updated With Sport Fury

Update to the "Garage for Mopars" Pictures of the garage with the 1965 Sport Fury moved in, time to get to work!

General Information

Time to get to work on dropping the front frame section off, anyone have any experience with removing and reattaching/realignment of the frame your experience and comments would be most welcome. Plan on drilling some small holes two on each side to help with re-alignment. Need to clean the frame real good inside and out and paint it for reinstall. Also while the frame is off fix all that rust inside the cowl and the two holes that are rusted into the passenger and driver side compartments. Any experience and comments with that as well would be welcome. Car is original 383 with manual trans and the engine is 1968 H.P. Block, color should be Copper with the two tone (twice the price) Copper and Black interior. Had a real nice set of interior door skins and rear skins that got absolutely ruined in storage, (water, squirrels, mice, mold). When I bought the car it had Ford Granada seats front and rear without center consule, plus they cut the mounting brackets off. Got my work "cut out" for me no pun intended, most of my friends tell me to just go and buy a complete car one and be done with it, but where's the fun in that? (besides they don't own Mopars). Thanks again for Looking and Your Comments!!

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If I ever needed surgery I couldn't think of a better place I'd want to be worked on.. That is one clean *** garage.. Lol
If I ever needed surgery I couldn't think of a better place I'd want to be worked on.. That is one clean *** garage.. Lol
Thanks!! That is a big problem with a garage like this, it is just like having another room in your house that you have to keep clean!!
Nice to see you have a few customers compared to your first post LOL. Looks great and what a nice space to work in. Looks like fun!
Glad you got yourself a Sport Fury. The '64-'66 Sports are my favorite ones. I just bought a '66 Fury I and I am really looking forward to beginning the project. It is coming from SoCal soon.
I have an original/partially disassembled 65 SF 4-speed car so LMK if you end up needing any reference pics when you put this one back together.
I've got a big 2.5 car garage. I can close the big door and still have about 6 1/2 feet in front of the bumper of my CR-V! I am going to paint the floor and broadcast some multi-colored flakes into it. I like that look and helped do a garage like that up in Indiana for a painting company several years ago. It turned out very nice. I'm going to make my own blast cabinet and buy a parts washer. I already have a 10' bench that is about 3' wide and lots of storage space above in the rafters that I have strategically placed 5/8" plywood in. I will be completing my own designed pulley system after I make my own cargo net today. I will used it to lift up my table saw and compound miter saw into the attic. I will probably make my own designed drop-stair for the middle of the garage instead of having to drag out a ladder all the time. I am also going to set up a double utility sink with a rain barrel and pump system from outside the garage at the same corner where one of the two downspouts are at. To top that off, I will be installing a multi-fan system and a small stereo stack with 2 speakers inside and several wireless speakers on the side of my garage facing the back yard and one where our future patio and pergola/firepit will be. It's going to be a great garage; too bad I will be moving in about 2 years, most likely.
I have an original/partially disassembled 65 SF 4-speed car so LMK if you end up needing any reference pics when you put this one back together.
Thanks! I am looking for a 4 speed Hurst Shifter for C Body console. I have been looking for years, I found two very recently; one says 2 inch offset and the other says 1 inch offset. So I am not sure if they are measuring them differently. Do you have any idea on the offset measurement and by chance do you have a serial number for the Shifter?
Thanks so much for the comments. My Dad bought a brand new 1965 Sport Fury and it became the "hand me down car" older sister, me in the middle and then younger brother. So ever since I have wanted a one. However my Dad's was a 318 (great motor) and this one is a 383 but the original motor was replaced with a 1968 HP 383. I had to pull the front clip off to get to the firewall an open up the cowl area. There is rust through into the passenger and drivers compartment, I had the floor pans replaced some time ago. No I need to take car of the holes and rust in this area. I have been leery of dropping the front frame off for fear of not getting it aligned when I put it back on, but I would like to examine the bolting and mating surfaces for corrosion and also clean and paint the frame. If anyone has any experience with removing and re-installing the front frame your comments would be appreciated.
I have an original/partially disassembled 65 SF 4-speed car so LMK if you end up needing any reference pics when you put this one back together.
Umm, when I offered reference info I meant that as a courtesy - now you're wanting me to actually do work! :) FWIW, several years ago I looked at converting my 300L to a 4-speed (seemed faster/cheaper than restoring my other car) and in my research I did not find a new repro Hurst handle that looked correct for a 65 with console. I'll get some measurements on my handle for you next week.
I have an original/partially disassembled 65 SF 4-speed car so LMK if you end up needing any reference pics when you put this one back together.
Thanks, I really appreciate it! I have found two on line (very expensive) no model number listed and both say for 1965 Plymouth C-Body, one of them has a 1 inch offset and the other a 2 inch offset so I am a bit perplexed. The interchange manual is not clear on the stick shift as to which models are applicable.
Glad you got yourself a Sport Fury. The '64-'66 Sports are my favorite ones. I just bought a '66 Fury I and I am really looking forward to beginning the project. It is coming from SoCal soon.
Thanks! What motor do you have in the '66 Fury and auto or stick? These cars are the hardest to find parts for and unfortunately when I bought mine it had of all things a Ford Granada interior! What is your reason for liking the '64-'66 era Furies?
I've got a big 2.5 car garage. I can close the big door and still have about 6 1/2 feet in front of the bumper of my CR-V! I am going to paint the floor and broadcast some multi-colored flakes into it. I like that look and helped do a garage like that up in Indiana for a painting company several years ago. It turned out very nice. I'm going to make my own blast cabinet and buy a parts washer. I already have a 10' bench that is about 3' wide and lots of storage space above in the rafters that I have strategically placed 5/8" plywood in. I will be completing my own designed pulley system after I make my own cargo net today. I will used it to lift up my table saw and compound miter saw into the attic. I will probably make my own designed drop-stair for the middle of the garage instead of having to drag out a ladder all the time. I am also going to set up a double utility sink with a rain barrel and pump system from outside the garage at the same corner where one of the two downspouts are at. To top that off, I will be installing a multi-fan system and a small stereo stack with 2 speakers inside and several wireless speakers on the side of my garage facing the back yard and one where our future patio and pergola/firepit will be. It's going to be a great garage; too bad I will be moving in about 2 years, most likely.
Sounds like you have a good plan. Most everything I had in the garage as far as Yard implements I purchased a shed and moved everything into that. I really like the look of some of those Metallic Garage floor paints they have come out with. Also the solid color paint with the flakes also look really nice. Make sure you post some pics of the garage and car when it arrives!
I have an original/partially disassembled 65 SF 4-speed car so LMK if you end up needing any reference pics when you put this one back together.
Measured my shifter, it has an offset of approx 2" (measured at outsides) and approx 1" (measured between inside planes). Upward of the offset it also slants toward the driver a little bit, maybe 5°? If you send me a PM with your email address I can send pics. I can't see around the shifter to see if there's a serial# on it.
Glad you got yourself a Sport Fury. The '64-'66 Sports are my favorite ones. I just bought a '66 Fury I and I am really looking forward to beginning the project. It is coming from SoCal soon.
I like the body styles of those years; A, B, and C bodies. It has a Polysphere 318. I've read they are good for about 500 hp. It has a 727. I need to look at the tags and figure out what the rear end gearing is. Probably the 276. Is that the right number? All the parts are there. I got the car on Aug. 3 on a Wed. around 8:15am. I was sooo happy when I saw that car hauler come down my road.

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