1967 chryslet 300 front bumper cover inserts

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Dec 9, 2013
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South Huntington NY
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I have a beautiful set of top front bumper covers for a 67 chrysler 300.......not really sure what the parts are called but they sit on top of the front bumper and right below the grill. a left and right..... really nice original condition and not repainted.
if you would like a pic pm me
make a reasonable offer and they are yours.

You must not get too many C-body parts or do you? Welcome to the site from the Motor City!
Everybody is a ball-bustuh here.

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Lower grille filler panel hoochythinger-mabobs part # OI4GET... :thinker:
Hey Comando1 ...... Where did you get that pic from? That's a pic Of the car I took them off of......
I replaced them with red ones........ That's a pic of my car
I made my first comment for 3 reasons.
A. It was your first post.
B. You are trying to sell something in your first post.
C. You were unsure what to call the part you were selling in your first post.
There ya go.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Give him a fishing rod and..............
Oh yeah! Saweet!
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Look like what I need. It looks like 68 300 bumper. I need the "crown" piece that juts out in the middle of the bumper.
But I thought it was 1 piece.
Am I talking about the right thing?
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