67 Imperial Crown heater help

And I have 2 non ac and one auto temp car here currently so I can’t even cheat for you. Although I might have a complete harness or 2...
I was reading on the Imperial club website about these vacuum switches. It seems that the 3 terminal switch can replace the 2 terminal one by ignoring the extra terminal. This would definitely be cheaper since the original one is expensive if you can find it.

I tried the used one I have but it doesn’t work properly. Switch could be bad. On a/c the fan won’t shut off and in defrost or heat the fan will not run. I have to do some more investigating.
I wonder if these are rebuildable?
There is a link on this site someone posted about rebuilding them yourself. I think it was from “A” bodies only.
Ok I finally got around to the vacuum switch with the three terminals. I disassembled it and cleaned it up. I then installed it and it does in fact work in place of the two terminal original.
I just wanted to update so everyone has the info. Another item I just dissected and repaired was one of the vacuum actuators. The diaphragm had a tear so I siliconed it. I now have defrosters!