Careless people.....

I usually have no problem with my car at the grocery store.
Looking at the cosmetics all other drivers want to park with a big distance to me

What about us northern brothers?

You get greatness by association. If not, you may consider it the price to pay for destroying good doughnuts with the non-native, invasive species called "Timis Hortonus".
I feel your pain. . . Sometimes, a wife's reaction to our words and actions is impossible to predict. The technical term for this kind of offense is called: "stepping on your dick."
Mine seems to keep getting "slammed in the door" :(
Dude, who's your insurance company? Do you have normal or "collector car" insurance? Some require that the vehicle be garaged at all times.
If your that anal about your car, you need to find it a garage! If you live in a apartment and can't afford secured covered parking, you can not afford to own a collector car! It it were secured, this **** wouldn't have happened so stop crying over spilled milk!
Awesome rants here... I love it lol. But yeah, handlebars from a bike or maybe a scooter, that's what could have happened.

One of the reasons I quit going to our Woodward "Dream Cruise". Idiots on every kind of moving contraption is allowed on the street. Bicycles, scooters and golf carts all over the place driving between car lanes. I parked my car after I witnessed some idiot lycra-clad bicycle-boy clip the side mirror off a 62 vette I was following.
"The things you see when you don't have a gun" One of my favorite quotes I find myself using more and more lately!
A while back I was out washing my car and a couple ricers went by and turned around in the cul-de-sac and stopped side-by-side. A person gets out and flags them off, I step out and hose down both cars windshields as they went by (not that they didn't see it coming as I was pointing it at them). One of the cars came back to get his buddy that was on foot, bitched about getting water in his car as both the side windows and sunroof were open. As he drove back I made it quite clear I was writing down his plate number.

in regards to the parking... i try to park either next to high dollar cars, ones that look very well taken care of or so because it usually shows that the owner cares about their vehicle. I am sure thats why someone parks next to you even if you are far away (does not make sense if a ton of other spots are open), bit maybe they know that you wont bang into them just like they wont bang into you. I once and a polished and pimped out honda s2000 parked right next to me far away from a store entrance... the thing started beeping the second i got close to it trying to get into my car... needless to say that my exthaust rumble sent his alarm in full panic mode haha. However, i dont mind that because clearly they didnt want their car messed with either.
Over the years I've noticed the vehicles I try to be careful with become ding magnets while d.d. vehicles I don't worry as much about remain unmolested. :realcrazy:
All this ranting has brought b
I had my license plate stolen off my car once by someone who thought I stole their parking space.

I was at a Walmart one day looking for a place to park, came up on a car with its reverse lights on about to back out of a space. So I stop, and put my turn signal on waiting for him to back out. In this time, someone else coming the other direction sees the driver leaving, then stops, signals, and thinks they're gonna get it. Since the car was backing out towards me, I was able to just zip on in there first, I was there first anyway.

Soon as I get out of the car, the driver of that other car starts yelling profanities, that I stole their spot, Yada Yada.

I just nicely said "I was there waiting first".

Come outta the store, my damn plate is gone. Sure enough no security cameras to catch any of it.
Back in the mid 80’s while arriving at the local Canadian Tire store, I had a similar thing happen to me while waiting to pull into a spot
After the driver pulled out a young lady zoomed into the spot I was waiting for from the opposite direction.
I protested that I had been waiting for the spot and she flipped me the bird and laughed it off
We exchanged words and she kept walking away
Once out of sight I then calmly got out of my truck and proceeded to yank out ever tire valve stem with my vice grips of this polite young ladies car tires...
I found another spot to park and went about my business
I returned to my truck and purposely drove by, honked and waved to her as she was looking at the four flat tires I had left her with wishing the ***** a nice day and how she needed to think twice about stealing someone’s parking space next time.
I didn’t feel too bad since she was at a tire store already :rolleyes:
Now a days I just go on Facebook and complain about people like this
I’m too old to do **** like this anymore
When I was a kid, my Dad had his '57 Windsor repainted. This was about 1959 or so. The ash from the smoke stack at the place he worked has destroyed the original paint. It wasn't a great job, I think it was done at Earl Schieb. I remember him picking it up and there was paint all over the Windsor script on the tail fin.... But it looked better than it did.

Anyway... Every Thursday, my Mom took the car for her weekly shopping trip. We came out of Loblaws and there on the side was scars from the car next to us... Both doors on the driver side got it... Right down to the metal.

I don't think I ever saw her that pissed... We waited for the owner to come out... and it was a mother with a bunch of snot nosed kids. My Mom (all five feet of her) went up one side and down the other on this women. If it had happened these days, my Mom would have gotten arrested.
Another "incident".... This time it was Mrs. Big John... She was getting ready to open her door in a parking lot when a woman in a Lexus drove up and parked about a foot away. She couldn't open the door.... and rolled down the window and yelled at the woman. The woman just looked and yelled back "I'm in my lines" or something like that and walked off...

Mrs. Big John moved the car and went into the store... There, after getting her cart about half full, she encountered the Lexus woman. She looked surprised to see her... Mrs. Big John just looked at her and said "F***'n cow". The woman let go of her cart and scurried out of the store right then...

One does not screw with Mrs. Big John... and some are smart enough to realize their mistake and run away.
Is this experience talking? :lol:
I recognized early in our dating that you need to stay on her good side. Fortunately, there isn't much that I do that would put me on her bad side.

She took a woman's self defense course once... The final day had a suited up "attacker" grabbing the students so they could show that they had learned the moves. The "attacker" couldn't hang on to my wife... She just slipped every grab before he could latch on. When she was done, they asked if she had any formal training. Her answer... "four brothers".

Two of her brothers (twins) are real tough guys... Not scared of anything or anybody. They told me that they were always a little scared of her though... Still are.

I did teach her to shoot though. I figure that my death would be less painful that way.
I agree. It absolutely sucks. Makes you hate mankind.
But it will never stop.

Today I was in Publix Supermarket. Two toddlers were throwing packages of Kraft American Cheese down the aisle while momma she be yakkin on the phone.
dumb *****
I'll park my NYB all the way at the farthest parking area away from the front door of the supermarket so there isn't any reason to park next to me. So I come out of the FN store and some asshat with a ricer is parked so close to me that I have to climb in the passenger door to get in the NYB. I've been very calm since my combat days in the Army....This asshat almost had me ready to get a 5 gal can and torching his POS ricer.
I agree. even better yet always carry a schrader valve remover. pull the fuckers valve stems out of his tires. put the schraders on his windshield wipers and say have a nice ******* day. you haven't done any damage that way. lol