Debating selling mine

I think I’ll keep it for now, it’s been costly sure but fun to work on no doubt about it. It’s just still not starting
Sometimes you need to walk away and return with a fresh cool head only to realize it was a simple stupid thing that caused the no start.
I think everyone’s covered it, I’ll just add that you should keep this as a hobby car. It significantly helps alot when you have a garage to keep it in. That way you can work on it whenever convenient and close the door and walk away from it as well when you need to focus elsewhere. But she will always be there waiting for you. Money comes and goes, were all quick to sell our stuff when money gets tight. Just keep her, these cars keep me sane and happy!
Well I doubt any of you will read this since it’s been ages but despite my absence 2 years later I still own her :)
Good for you. I've got a 66 Galaxie that I bought 38 yrs ago. Was my dream car then. Drove her wrecked her rebuilt her, then had to park her in 2000. She waited for me 20 yrs to have the time and money to get her back on the road. 4 yrs into the rebuild and almost done. In the mean time I discovered c bodies and never looked back. Good luck with everything here's some pics.



I just stumbled across this thread so I dont even know what you have but I do get the frustration. Im on my second 68 300, the first one I had needed a bunch of wiring work but it ran good. Had to sell due to home sale and move, no where to keep it. I found this one 2 yrs ago, wasnt running, still not running but closer, finally found missing dash components, got back together and now half the lights or windows dont work. More wiring woes! I still think it has a lot of potential for what I paid, but Im almost to that sell it ,as is attitude! When I think Im getting closer, things go backwards. At least Ive got back in a garage out of weather. Im 62 so Im sure will probably keep it,but Im getting to old to keep doing this. Maybe if I can get it running, worry about the wiring later it will help! Good luck with yours!
I found the car at 15, saved for 6 months working two jobs, and bought her as my first car at 16. Was always a GM boy and still am, but loved full size cars and the looks on the 69-71 C body made me stop in my tracks. The one I bought was the first one I saw and I knew I had to have it.
@Isaiah Estrada - chime in with words of wisdom!

Despite life COMPLETELY kicking my *** in every possible way in recent times - im glad to know my 68 is still sitting and waiting patiently for me to return working on her:)

At times when I just wanted to sell it, I was thinking out of pure frustration and a bit of anger. Now, im glad I have something to be able to enjoy with my son!

These cars are special, and worth hanging onto if you really can!
Despite life COMPLETELY kicking my *** in every possible way in recent times - im glad to know my 68 is still sitting and waiting patiently for me to return working on her:)

At times when I just wanted to sell it, I was thinking out of pure frustration and a bit of anger. Now, im glad I have something to be able to enjoy with my son!

These cars are special, and worth hanging onto if you really can!
talk to us , what's got you down?
talk to us , what's got you down?

I guess it’s not terrible things, however just the harsh reality of being an adult working man providing for his family! Especially living in CA where it’s expensive. Just working hard and when im not, im home watching my son while my wife works (she works days and I work evenings 4-12) - It sucks but everyone starts out somewhere!

Also this past month I’d planned to go on the weekends to work on the 68 but sadly my great grandmother who we were all so close to passed away - so a ton of busy time being with family and a lot of grieving. Thankfully my wife and my son put a smile on my face every day and make things worth it! Just wish I had my 68 done already so we could enjoy it as a family. I hate “spinning my tires in the mud” so to speak…

Long story short, can’t seem to get my momentum back - but we’re slowly starting to creep out of the hole we’ve been in financially and mentally. Stuck in the rut of working eating sleeping!

My little guy loves the car though! Says enough for me to know he’ll love taking cruises in it as he grows up.

I guess it’s not terrible things, however just the harsh reality of being an adult working man providing for his family! Especially living in CA where it’s expensive. Just working hard and when im not, im home watching my son while my wife works (she works days and I work evenings 4-12) - It sucks but everyone starts out somewhere!

Also this past month I’d planned to go on the weekends to work on the 68 but sadly my great grandmother who we were all so close to passed away - so a ton of busy time being with family and a lot of grieving. Thankfully my wife and my son put a smile on my face every day and make things worth it! Just wish I had my 68 done already so we could enjoy it as a family. I hate “spinning my tires in the mud” so to speak…

Long story short, can’t seem to get my momentum back - but we’re slowly starting to creep out of the hole we’ve been in financially and mentally. Stuck in the rut of working eating sleeping!

My little guy loves the car though! Says enough for me to know he’ll love taking cruises in it as he grows up.

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Patience, grasshopper . You have your priorities straight . Turn it all over to Him, do the next right thing and always try to be the best Isaiah you can be and amazing things will occur.
my $.02, for now. Take every second you can spent with the family. building that foundation will take you a long way in the future.
You are a lucky man to have a child. That is the most important thing in your life. Cherish that time.

The car isn't costing you anything. Let it sit.