Dual Quad ram air on 440?


Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Portland, OR
I know these came on the 413 motors, and was wondering if this intake would fit on a 440. I'm guessing probably not since I have never seen anyone try it. It would be pretty cool, though.

Those are rare and very expensive and the reason you don't see them on 440's.
I think I've only seen a cross ram system in real life 2 or 3 times at car shows. Rare??? very rare........but way cool also. No reason why they would not fit on the 440.
I've seen them on a couple of 440s. I think there are two versions with different length runners.
Did you know that the Roadrunner was originally going to be called the LaMancha?
So all you uppity types that jump all over some posters crap about calling trac-lok, posi, say absolutely nothing about calling that ram air? I'll never figure this group out.
Doesn't matter what Don Quixote calls it. It ain't ever gonna happen.
It's better to show one the path of sensibility than to enable continuing delusions.
So all you uppity types that jump all over some posters crap about calling trac-lok, posi, say absolutely nothing about calling that ram air? I'll never figure this group out.
NO....it Is not ram air. This ain't the pontiac forum. Its "Cross Ram"...and there are short versions of that setup also.....still cross ram.
NO....it Is not ram air. This ain't the pontiac forum. Its "Cross Ram"...and there are short versions of that setup also.....still cross ram.

Funny, I always thought cross ram was a cheby term. I thought ma mopar referred to it as RAM, either long or short.
Now Boyz, Herez the deal. Long Rams installed in 1960 and '61 on the 300 F and 300 G. Short Rams installed in 1963 and '64 on the 300 J and 300 K, And FYI, MAYBE six sets of "Water Heated" short Rams installed on 1962 330 H letter carz but that another part of the story. AND ALL WERE REFERRED TO AS CROSS RAMS BY THE LEGENDARY CHRYSLER ENGINEER BOB ROGERS AND HE AIN'T AROUND ANY MORE TO TELL US HOW HE CAME UP WITH THAT NAME BUT IT FITZ. ALL the ramz measured 36"s end to end! The long-short thing refers to the length of the internal runnerz of the early or the later versionz of those ramz. That and the fact that that length those internal runners determined where the power band was. The '60-'61s, the power band was best off the line, and the '63-'64s were better at hi-way speed. To the untrained eye all the rams look identical and I don't wanna confuse any of my friendz here by explaining the subtle visual differences between 'um. Now, can we all get on to something really important like Linda Vaughn's Hooterz?


Ok looked on the yacy.. They prolly look like golf balls in tube socks by now.