A week or so ago, I was talking with @polaratherapy about some issues he was having with his gas gauge. It seems to me that we have this question come up on an almost weekly basis. We all try to help and somehow, it usually comes together. It hit me that a simple flow chart, showing what to check first might make some sense. An internet search really didn't come up with what I wanted, so I decided to try making one myself.
I decided to do just the sender and basically keep it to the wiring between the plug under the driver side kick panel and the sender itself. Including the gauge would be hard to do because of differences between models and years. For example, in my '70 300, the voltage limiter could be attached to the back of the instrument panel or in the "low fuel" warning relay. Some cars have the limiter in the gas gauge itself and so on. I wanted a simple "do this first" testing procedure that someone with a multimeter or even a test light could do without a lot of of experience. Since most of the gauge failures are sender related, then I think this will cover a lot though and even if the problem looks to be gauge, you can eliminate the easier stuff before you tear into the dash.
I've included both a JPEG and a downloadable PDF files. Download the PDF and you can print it out or save it for when you need it.
Thanks to @cbarge for some input and checking my work!
I decided to do just the sender and basically keep it to the wiring between the plug under the driver side kick panel and the sender itself. Including the gauge would be hard to do because of differences between models and years. For example, in my '70 300, the voltage limiter could be attached to the back of the instrument panel or in the "low fuel" warning relay. Some cars have the limiter in the gas gauge itself and so on. I wanted a simple "do this first" testing procedure that someone with a multimeter or even a test light could do without a lot of of experience. Since most of the gauge failures are sender related, then I think this will cover a lot though and even if the problem looks to be gauge, you can eliminate the easier stuff before you tear into the dash.
I've included both a JPEG and a downloadable PDF files. Download the PDF and you can print it out or save it for when you need it.
Thanks to @cbarge for some input and checking my work!