having trouble getting the dash cluster out.

There has to be something to brighten it.
Nope. It's faded. The lettering is silk screened. Paints and dyes get their white color from titanium dioxide, which is known to yellow from exposure to ultraviolet light. You can't turn yellow back to white.
Lights fixed! Thanks everybody.

Dash is painted. My needle paint should show up tomorrow and I will be reassembling the dash.

What color paint did you use on your dash pad? I have a 77 newport with the same color and not sure which color to get.
Thanks. Looks great btw.
I will post a snap shot of the can. Someone in an earlier post of mine had posted a page out of the FSM that had the colors. Just had to find a paint shop to convert the name into a code into a type of paint. The label on the can will have everything. I think.
Ok. Now I remember. You have to use a color not available in vinyl dye. They had to match the vinyl dye to the lacquer sample I had from painting the tailgate and seat parts. There is a light gold in lacquer and dye. And a dark lacquer not formulated for dye.

Here is the lacquer can with color code and a picture of the vinyl dye product. I used preval sprayers and they worked perfect. The whole inside of the car is looking amazing. The paint wasn't cheap. And it wasn't easy to get the paint shop to sort it out but the place I had to go isn't exactly known for being friendly or cheap, but they get everything right.

I can't tell from the label what the vinyl dye is. I just know it is vinyl dye. I think the 'SC' defines what it is to someone who knows the products.

Very much appreciated. Was hoping to be able to get it in a spray can but this should work too. Thanks.