Our Super Bowl ad got rejected


Old Man with a Hat
Aug 24, 2013
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Kingston, Mi
This veteran owned company was rejected by CBS for there super bowl ad. They claim CBS is censoring patriotism, CBS claims they didn't believe Nine Line Apparel could pay the $5.25 million for the ad. You be the judge. Other ad's were rejected also.

CBS Network Accused of Censoring Patriotism
by Brian McLaughlin on February 6, 2019 in News, Opinion, Politics, Video

Photo: Nine Line Apparel

Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49er’s second-string quarterback, isn’t known for playing football at a professional level. He’s known for taking a knee during the national anthem and sparking a controversy.

Kaepernick’s first few demonstrations against racism went unnoticed until a member of the media finally caught on and approached him about it. After the discussion, Kaepernick decided to take a knee instead of simply sit in protest like he’d previously done.

During the final game of the 2016 pre-season, he took a knee during the national anthem and at once became both hero and villain.

He later explained he thought the transition from sitting to kneeling would show more respect to the US military while maintaining the protest.

When Kaepernick took that first knee during the national anthem in protest to racial inequality, he was both applauded for his bravery, and scorned for his disrespect of the nation by his chosen method of objection. Other NFL players quickly followed suit, choosing to kneel or remain in the locker room in solidarity.

Nike made Kaepernick the center of a September 2018 marketing campaign which returned him to the hot spotlight of debate.

The controversy is back in the news this week, this time in the form of veteran owned and operated athletic clothing line, Nine Line Apparel. When Nine Line submitted their commercial proposal to the CBS network to be aired during the 2019 Super Bowl, they were rejected.

While CBS continues to claim the reason for the denial was because of their perception of the apparel company’s financial abilities, Nine Line CEO Tyler Merritt said:

“CBS’s purported reason for rejecting a Super Bowl commercial that extols patriotism is totally out of bounds. Let’s call this what it is: a blatant attempt to censor a message that their politically correct executives find offensive.”

According to the veteran owned company, CBS didn’t think Nine Line could afford to pay the $5.25 million the network charges for a 30 second spot during the Super Bowl.

“However, we provided credit references to them who promptly and honestly replied to CBS inquiries that Nine Line Apparel always fulfilled contracts and financial obligations in full and on time,” Nine Line told American Military News in a statement.

“We also reached out to our financial advisers and partners and not one of them stated that they were contacted by anyone from CBS. We find it very hard to believe that our ad could be denied due to credit issues when, clearly, we can afford the spot. There is no real evidence to the contrary.”

The company's CEO, Tyler Merritt, told Fox News his company is fully capable of putting up the cost of air time during the Super Bowl.

“I find it somewhat offensive. We are a very successful company, a very fast start up. In the last 5 years we’ve made over $75 million dollars, $25 million last year, and this is all public record. They can easily look it up online and see some of our revenue gains.”

All the evidence indeed seems to point to CBS’ attempt to avoid ads with content that goes against trendy political correctness.

The 45 second ad by Nine Line takes a stab at Nike’s very successful 2018 commercial featuring Kaepernick.

Nike’s ad, which aired during the start of the 2018 NFL season, is narrated by the former player who asks the audience to:

“Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything.”

The Nine Line ad parodies the Nike ad. Instead of featuring struggling athletes, their video highlights military and first responders.

The ad is narrated by Marine veteran and 2012 Benghazi Attack survivor Mark Geist, in obvious contrast to the athlete of the Nike commercial.

“Somebody we feel embodies what sacrifice truly means.” Merritt said of Geist, who is credited with saving the lives of more then 25 Americans during the Benghazi Attack.

The Nine Line ad clearly contends with the notion of sacrifice made by Kaepernick, implying it pales in comparison next to the sacrifice of first responders and U.S. military.

The ad goes on to affirm that Kaepernick has the right to protest, though only because of the sacrifices made by those in the service.

“And for those who kneel, they fail to understand that they can kneel, and that they can protest. That they can despise what I stand for. Even hate the truth that I speak. But they can only do that, because I am crazy enough.” Geist says at the end of the video.


Photo: Nine Line Apparel

Nine Line is not the only company to have their proposed ad denied. Extremist animal rights group PETA has had several of their commercials rejected for being too controversial. And medical marijuana proponent and producer Acreage Holdings also had their ad rejected by the network.

However, Nine Line contends censorship of their patriotic message by CBS when they accepted the Nike commercial, but refused theirs.

“We urge Americans who believe it’s important to show respect for our flag and national anthem to join us in calling out this offensive bias. It’s time to give a penalty flag to CBS.” Merritt said.
It's offensive to be a White American male to the media and all these left leaning parasites.
I don't believe that patriotism is out of style, but how it's presented might be. The reference to Kaepernick sends me a signal that might go against other SB advertisers (notably Nike). The image of a person with the t-shirt on, holding a rifle, might be considered inappropriate by some, too. We all know that there are only a certain number of commercial spots available, so it would be up to CBS to determine which ones are better than others. If that's "censorship", so be it. I'd term it "a business decision" instead. Perhaps there are other places where the particular t-shirts might be better merchandised? To me, gun ownership doesn't equate with patriotism or standing for the national anthem (for somebody that's capable of standing). So, might the visual have been better with the same man standing there, proudly, even saluting the flag, with the t-shirt on have been a better illustration of patriotism?

As for the "ability to pay", there are many ways that CBS might investigate that without contacting credit references specifically. Available, disposable cash flow would be the main thing to consider, I suspect, rather than the need to go into debt just to pay the ad's bill.

Sorry that the apparel company got their feelings hurt and lashed out at CBS for rejecting their proposed ad. But then I'd much prefer to watch the Jeep commercials or Dodge RAM truck ads on their long-time support of patriotism or lauding the American Farmers' contributions to our society, than some defiant man lauding patriotism with an assault rifle in hand. That's just me.

I don't believe that patriotism is out of style, but how it's presented might be. The reference to Kaepernick sends me a signal that might go against other SB advertisers (notably Nike). The image of a person with the t-shirt on, holding a rifle, might be considered inappropriate by some, too. We all know that there are only a certain number of commercial spots available, so it would be up to CBS to determine which ones are better than others. If that's "censorship", so be it. I'd term it "a business decision" instead. Perhaps there are other places where the particular t-shirts might be better merchandised? To me, gun ownership doesn't equate with patriotism or standing for the national anthem (for somebody that's capable of standing). So, might the visual have been better with the same man standing there, proudly, even saluting the flag, with the t-shirt on have been a better illustration of patriotism?

As for the "ability to pay", there are many ways that CBS might investigate that without contacting credit references specifically. Available, disposable cash flow would be the main thing to consider, I suspect, rather than the need to go into debt just to pay the ad's bill.

Sorry that the apparel company got their feelings hurt and lashed out at CBS for rejecting their proposed ad. But then I'd much prefer to watch the Jeep commercials or Dodge RAM truck ads on their long-time support of patriotism or lauding the American Farmers' contributions to our society, than some defiant man lauding patriotism with an assault rifle in hand. That's just me.

Well said!
In my opinion,
If they want to make a real impact, recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the words scrolling on the screen and 'Ol Glory waving in the background.

When they told us (Chrysler employees) the Jeep commercial was going to feature the anthem... Roughly the Wednesday before the Superbowl, I thought "Hmm, controversial."

Then two days later they said "we're not showing them during the game, these will be on-line only."

So they either buckled to the controversy, or CBS told them "no". Strange, sad days indeed when just playing the anthem is considered too edgy.

Here's the commercial if you haven't seen it...


When they told us (Chrysler employees) the Jeep commercial was going to feature the anthem... Roughly the Wednesday before the Superbowl, I thought "Hmm, controversial."

Then two days later they said "we're not showing them during the game, these will be on-line only."

So they either buckled to the controversy, or CBS told them "no". Strange, sad days indeed when just playing the anthem is considered too edgy.

Here's the commercial if you haven't seen it...

Our National Anthem does and always will give me goose bumps, the visuals just enhance that feeling. Thanks for sharing that. GOD BLESS the USA!!

When they told us (Chrysler employees) the Jeep commercial was going to feature the anthem... Roughly the Wednesday before the Superbowl, I thought "Hmm, controversial."

Then two days later they said "we're not showing them during the game, these will be on-line only."

So they either buckled to the controversy, or CBS told them "no". Strange, sad days indeed when just playing the anthem is considered too edgy.

Here's the commercial if you haven't seen it...

Damn, that brought a tear to my eye and I'm a proud Canadian!!
Without going to far down this rabbit hole...

One could try to argue that CBS doesn't have the right to pick and choose which commercials to air, because bakers and florist don't have the right to pick and choose which customers they want to serve. Unless of course they don't mind being sued out of their livelihood.

Just an instance of social hypocrisy.
As a Marine Corps veteran, I was insulted by Kaepernick's antics along and the rest of those who kneeled/sat. I was even more insulted by the NFL's unwillingness to stand up to them. I have not watched an NFL game in 2 years. With all due respect to football fans, I don't give a damn what commercials air during the superbowl. Those spoiled brat players earn millions because of the sacrifices of veterans to protect America. And they can't even stand to honor veterans during the national anthem.
**** THE NFL!

Semper Fi, Always Faithful
Sports is nothing more than a distraction to politics, crime, unemployment, immigration, etc.