Removing lens from bullet turn signal


Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hamburg, NY
I'm trying to remove the lens so I can change the bulb. I've removed the set screw and the lens turns freely. How do I get it off? It doesn't seem threaded and I certainly don't want to break it. It's a 67 Sport Fury. If that matters.


I'm trying to remove the lens so I can change the bulb. I've removed the set screw and the lens turns freely. How do I get it off? It doesn't seem threaded and I certainly don't want to break it. It's a 67 Sport Fury. If that matters.

I have personal experience with this on my 1968 Fury III. The lens is threaded into the chrome housing. If you are already able to turn them, keep turning to the left and you should be able to knock the lens out by shaking or banging it on your hand. The bulbs are super tiny, I had to order them online.
I tried that but no luck. I've been told that the gasket in there has failed as well so water has gotten in. Looks like I'll need to buy the rebuild kit that has the lens bulbs gaskets and wire.
There's no harm in that. I plan on replacing my lenses as well since someone in the past (eh-hem) chipped them up. Something to note. That tiny lock screw in the bottom holds the bulb socket (not the threaded part of the lens) stationary or else it will spin indefinitely. I just experienced this today as I was getting my drivers side bullet working. I've read where others have said the lock screw must be removed before removing the lens but, at least in my case, the opposite was true.
I was told to remove the set screw. And you are correct. The whole thing spins. I was afraid to turn the lens and break it.

I'm still thinking about getting the rebuild kit and making sure it's done. I strongly fear that if I turn the lens it's going to crack.
Here is a pic of the lens after you remove the set screw. Sometimes they get so corroded you crack the lens when the set screw is tightened. Pulling it out of the housing you can work it loose. It may have an oring on it so you will have to push it from the wire lead side.
DSCN0837 (1024x768).jpg