Rodent Squatter Prevention


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2015
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I did a search and found very little. What do you guys do in the winter to prevent rodent [mice specifically] from lounging in your cars in the winter? My Omni glhs was infested years ago after some neglect and I had to gut the whole car. Never again. Since then I have laid down tons of poison plus dryer sheets stuck all over my Omni and it seems to work ok. I want the nuclear bomb for these guys since this will be my first watch this winter for my Fury. Sorry if there is aready big post on this . If you could give me a link or new tech on this problem I would be grateful.


The Fury Landlord
Dryer sheets. one in the trunk, one in the interior and one on the intake manifold.
They leave a nice fresh aroma if you don't use the real stinky ones.
That's what we use in all our used cars on the lot seems to work well.
Dryer sheets, under the seats, in the trunk. Dont like the posion, when the owls eat them, they also die. I have been using the sheets in my campers for many years also and never any mice.
Boomerang III will get the job done.....

Sorry.....wrong type of rodent.

Glue traps around the perimeter of the garage on the inside walls. Cheap odor free ones should not attract new ones, but should catch existing as they like to run along base boards. I don't like poison as it gets unpredictable where they will choose to die.

Try this
Do It Yourself Pest Control Products & Supplies | Do My Own Pest Control
Like dryer sheets in the cars as deterrent too...
I lay 2 x 4 across the front of the garage door and use shims and a piece of wood on each corner to secure. The 2 X 4 s are cedar and painted to match the garage. I have used them for years. IF they do not move with temperature (hence the shims) NO MICE!!!
I lived on a farm, mice have ruined new aluminum boat (urine caused the corrosion) I have a huge metal case of bolts (thousands) of all sorts (next year a solid mass of rust with mice in each metal drawer. I hate mice a lot, I try to kill as many I can in the fall with 5 gallon buckets and a coat hanger with soda can spinning on hanger with peanut butter. They climb on the can and fall in the bucket with 1 gallon water in it and drown. Presently my car is being worked on in a shop I know has mice, it causes me distress even though I have the interior out except for driver seat
I use dryer sheets all over. Even under the hood at the top of the cowl vent intakes.

I like the smell of the dryer sheets better than peppermint oil or moth balls.(there's a joke there for someone to grab)

But really, it all starts with building sealing/security. A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a nickel.

I have 20 spring traps set all over my shop. As well as the water bucket trap previously mentioned.

Maintaining/rebaiting the traps regularly is critical.

Hope the input helps.

Glue traps around the perimeter of the garage on the inside walls. Cheap odor free ones should not attract new ones, but should catch existing as they like to run along base boards. I don't like poison as it gets unpredictable where they will choose to die.

Try this
Do It Yourself Pest Control Products & Supplies | Do My Own Pest Control
Like dryer sheets in the cars as deterrent too...
I go to Farm Supply stores specifically for the glue traps they sell. I use them to get any mouse that got in the house. The ones at Target, Home Depot are not the same. The farm ones are on white paper and really sticky - I buy the "RAT" ones as they are bigger and have more sticky. In Midwest Mills Fleet sells them. I have several out under the kitchen cabinet - heard chewing yesterday - tis the season. As mentioned controlling entry is essential - I have tried but cannot find this point of entry - at the cabin they were coming down the chimney, I followed trails of droppings to the entry at the base of the chimney. The amount of damage done by mice at the cabin lead to a complete rip down to frame, no exaggeration, they ate everything and had huge nests in the walls (when I purchased), there was pounds of droppings in the oven. Wife and I purchased and I went up first time alone. Ended up gutting it. 10 years later finished to sheet rock level - I lay the sticky traps out - now I might get a smaller mole every other year, no mice inside recently - that I know.
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Great info guy's, I don't get mice in the house because I have 3 cat's. The last one that was dumb enough to enter didn't leave under his own power. The garage is another story because it is separate from the house.
Yes thanks a lot for all your thoughts. Anyone have any experience with electronic stuff in repelling them?
Yes thanks a lot for all your thoughts. Anyone have any experience with electronic stuff in repelling them?
I have one and I am currently using it, but I used for several years at our former residence without feeling it did the job very well. In that second floor condo we had a flat roof above us with no access for us to get in. The exterminator would set traps from the unit next door, but with a tree over hanging the terracotta roof, rats and squirrels would get in there. I couldn't get the condo association to remove the tree... so when hurricane Charley was coming close... well that tree had the damnedest, cleanest break you ever did see. Turns out Charley wiped out enough other trees in the neighborhood nobody really noticed. We sat on our covered balcony and watched it break a willow tree of at the root... very intense storm.
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I did a search and found very little. What do you guys do in the winter to prevent rodent [mice specifically] from lounging in your cars in the winter? My Omni glhs was infested years ago after some neglect and I had to gut the whole car. Never again. Since then I have laid down tons of poison plus dryer sheets stuck all over my Omni and it seems to work ok. I want the nuclear bomb for these guys since this will be my first watch this winter for my Fury. Sorry if there is aready big post on this . If you could give me a link or new tech on this problem I would be grateful.


The Fury Landlord

Cat would do it. I have dogs. I had to get rid of the cat problem we had.
Great info guy's, I don't get mice in the house because I have 3 cat's. The last one that was dumb enough to enter didn't leave under his own power. The garage is another story because it is separate from the house.
Ditto here for my 2 old rides. No mouse, chipmunk or other rodent issues with our 4 indoor/outdoor cats that patrol the property faithfully. Just need to be careful in the morning not to step into the disembowelled remnants.
gentlemen it appears that we have been infiltrated.

I was driving down the service road ~60mph and look in the passenger floorboard and there is a mouse there, riding shotgun. hair blowing around wind in his face, just sitting there. I think he was smiling. little bastage. he cant even pass me a smoke...

so THEN if that is not bad enough. next day I'm driving to golf, and look rear-right to switch a lane, and there are ants coming out from the rear quarter panel. holy h Christ.

what the fresh hell is happening.

its hard down in texas man, I tell ya.

- saylor
I had an old Dodge RV that we parked in my son's yard. He used it most of the time anyway.

Squirrels got into it one winter. They destroyed the interior. I've never seen anything like it. They chewed up the furniture and bedding and then made nests in all the cabinets with the stuffing. It was awful. There was no fixing it, so we sold it for the engine (440).
Well I have been raging war with the potential squatters. I have been setting many traps with Skippy Super Chunk Peanut Butter. Not the no name peanut scented grout compound in a plastic jar. Nothing but the best for my guests. I have murdered quite a few of them now and also added recently two PIC brand Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers. They are beaming down the isle between the 86 Omni and the Fury and another down the other side of the Fury. Fury is covered on both sides and the Omni one side, but that will change when I get a few more. I want the potential squatters to feel they are at the loudest Twisted Sister Concert ever performed. Amazingly lately the traps are catching very few now. Don't know if the traps did it or the Ultrasonic repellers are keeping them away.
Anyway so far so good.
Well I have been raging war with the potential squatters. I have been setting many traps with Skippy Super Chunk Peanut Butter. Not the no name peanut scented grout compound in a plastic jar. Nothing but the best for my guests. I have murdered quite a few of them now and also added recently two PIC brand Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers. They are beaming down the isle between the 86 Omni and the Fury and another down the other side of the Fury. Fury is covered on both sides and the Omni one side, but that will change when I get a few more. I want the potential squatters to feel they are at the loudest Twisted Sister Concert ever performed. Amazingly lately the traps are catching very few now. Don't know if the traps did it or the Ultrasonic repellers are keeping them away.
Anyway so far so good.
I like it... everything short of thermonuclear warfare...