Second question here on front brake hoses


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2022
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I am in the middle of Brake Madness on the front of my 66 fury.....finding the hoses pulled way tight as installed. Wonder if they are plumbed correctly at the bracket. They currently come up on the back upper side and have severe bend and tight. I wonder if they should come up from lower front with much less stress. Have found no manual that displays this arrangement for help. There are notes here on tight and short hoses, so this could be correct, and I may change anyway. Thoughts appreciated.
A picture of what you're experiencing on your car would really help us help you.

Note that Dodge B Vans from the late 70s and 80s have much longer front brake hoses that apparently use the same ends, and therefore would work to solve the issue. At the moment I can't confirm that, but that's what I've heard.
Appreciate the response. This am, I began, and found that there was enough crud on the bracket that I had not seen a bolt. So, I am a happy guy. Removed the bracket, did some shanker mechanics, and bent the steel line a tweak, and how about me horrible crimp in the hose now. Thanks
I had a similar problem on my wagon, found that simply jacking up the lca a bit let me install everything easily.
That is a good point.....the hose may have been tighter looking due to that extension.....I will have to review. Thanks