Welcome Kimmo to FCBO!


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Dec 9, 2017
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Im a Finlander renovating an year 1971 Chrysler Newport 4D Ht and checking for parts.

Location: Finland
Welcome to the site from the Motor City!
Im looking for a trim list to front grill, dont know the exact name for it, a list arround the front grill about 10mm wide several pieces .
Does EVERYONE in Finland drive old mopars?

Nope, only the selected few, LOL. About the same as in the US, proportionwise, I guess.

Back in the day when these cars were new, Mopar products were the single handed market leaders among the Big Three. There are several explanations for this, perhaps the most important being the fact that the owner of the importer back then, mr. Berner happened to do a stint as a Secretary of State in the Department of Traffic in the mid sixties, and while in the office he organized an agreement between the Finnish Government and his company, that all the black limos that the Finnish government used to buy would be supplied by his company. (Those were the days nobody had never even heard the term corruption.) Consequently, only Plymouths and Chryslers were used until the late seventies.