For Sale 1978 Dodge Magnum SE - $1600

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Old Man with a Hat
Jan 22, 2012
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Pleasant Hill, CA
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Needs vinyl roof work from the looks of it but price is great. Original CA blue/gold plate.

1978 Dodge Magnum SE. This was my grandparents car. 1 owner, 318. Car is on Non op. please call rather than email. Thank you.
1978 Dodge Magnum SE


Does non op in california mean there are no back fees for years the vehicle was not used on the road? Looks like great car!
Does non op in california mean there are no back fees for years the vehicle was not used on the road? Looks like great car!
They tried that on me here in Minnesota once, they didn't like my attitude. Why should I pay for x # of years I never owned the car?
They do the same **** in OK. You can register a car with what's called a "black-tag" here (just a black year sticker, instead of the colored normal sticker), and it can not be driven on the road until it is insured AND get the black sticker off of the plate. If I were to buy an OK-registered car with a tag three years out of date from a seller, normally the SELLER is responsible to bring the tag up to the current date. Problem is, that is $42.00 (two years reg) PLUS a $200 penalty; so most sellers ignore that and leave it to a buyer to bring that up to date...Plus the buyer has to pay 3.5% excise tax on whatever the state values the vehicle at, NOT what you say you paid for it. OK does NOT recognize, nor give a **** about, bills of sale. They are as useless as tits on a 2x4 here. It's a racket in every state.

It WAS worse! A buyer had to pay the back registration for EVERY YEAR the car was not registered! So, if you scored a great "baarn find" that had not been registered in 40 years, you had to pay 40 years of back registration! Oh, plus title, 3.5% excise tax, and the tag itself!
Non-op in California also is a big clue that the car will not pass smog. Cal. Law dictates that it's the seller's responsibility to smog test a car on its sale, not the buyer's. This would be a HUGE red flag for me if I were interested as it is a smog-required car.
Here is the cars test history. Testing is every two years and one can see the 9/2015 test was not done. This car has not had an easy time of it with the aborts and fails.

Make Model Year Date / Time Pass / Fail Certificate
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 09/17/2013 04:18 p.m. P PA057526C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 09/14/2013 09:56 a.m. P
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 09/02/2011 04:32 p.m. P OG500251C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 08/13/2011 09:04 a.m. F
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 09/05/2009 11:17 a.m. P NM873564C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 08/04/2007 12:11 p.m. P MU151132C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 07/22/2005 10:04 a.m. P FW607369C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 08/09/2003 11:44 a.m. P FC440493C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 07/24/2003 11:30 a.m. F
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 09/11/2001 11:30 a.m. P EI422334C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 09/10/2001 02:50 p.m. F
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 09/07/2001 02:04 p.m. F
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 07/07/1999 03:26 p.m. P DM127910C
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 07/02/1999 02:02 p.m. A
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 07/02/1999 01:58 p.m. A
DODGE MAGNUM 1978 07/02/1999 01:43 p.m. A
DODGE MAGNUM XE 1978 07/12/1997 08:26 a.m. P CD767354C
I can see the irony in CA making a 70's car still meet emissions standards and there's a 10,000hp unregulated diesel powered ship leaving a CA port every five minutes. WTF...
I can see the irony in CA making a 70's car still meet emissions standards and there's a 10,000hp unregulated diesel powered ship leaving a CA port every five minutes. WTF...
Nancy Pelosi telling us how to balance a budget when her home district of San Francisco is what, 6 Billion in debt?!? No one ever said California made sense.
Nancy Pelosi telling us how to balance a budget when her home district of San Francisco is what, 6 Billion in debt?!? No one ever said California made sense.

??? The City of San Francisco has to run a balanced budget by law. Current budget is $8.96 billion. For fiscal year 2016 starting in June the mayor projects a $100 million deficit in a city with a booming economy and SOARING real estate prices/taxes and has told departments to cut 1.5%. So no $6 billion in debt.
F Nancy Pelosi and California!

Move to Maryland and put historic tags on it and rip all that smog **** off and put a pair of Flowmasters on it.
Or Alberta
No titles
No Smog tests
No problems
Long live the Wild West!
Somehow in life struggles and a couple moves I forgot to register my Barracuda non-op and the fees added up. At the time it was pushing $500. I was finally in a place where I was able to restore the car and I was going to just write it off as part of the restoration and not think about it. Some time prior DMV indicated that if the car is in the system long enough they sometimes drop out and then the back fees would disappear. I was lucky, about the time i was finishing up the restoration the back fees were gone, all I needed was the renewal fee and any paperwork fee.

This was right at the point the DMV added the 63-69 Black plates to the YOM program and they tried to have me fill out that paperwork which carried a $10 annual fee. I said no, these are the original plates to this specific car and filled out the appropriate paperwork and moved on.

One of the primary reasons all my vehicles are pre 75 is the smog check, not that I want to make changes, I just don't want to be bothered.

At least with the California non-op the fees do not pile up. They used to, but not anymore.
F Nancy Pelosi and California!

Move to Maryland and put historic tags on it and rip all that smog **** off and put a pair of Flowmasters on it.

There is a reason for all that smog **** and I am all for it. I'm sure none of you ever saw Los Angeles in 1966. Well that is when I moved there from Maryland. We arrived in the San Fernando Valley June 1966. Mind you I said valley with mountains all around. You know when I first saw the mountains? It was in September when the Santa Ana winds came through and blew all the heavy thick smog out. I was amazed by how close the mountains where and they were close like 20 miles. Also in junior high that year there were days when we were not allowed to exercise outside during P.E. That was my first experience with a deep breath that was painful and made me choke my head off. It was not fun living there and explains why California started regulating emissions come 1965. Much of the Los Angeles area is basins surrounded by mountains. You have the San Fernando Valley, the San Gabriel Valley, and the basin for the actual city of Los Angeles to name some. L.A. was similar to Beijing today in a way only we saw the writing on the wall while the Chinese don't and are now paying a heavy price.

LA Smog: the battle against air pollution

Picture is 1948. I remember worse. The buildings would no longer be visible.
??? The City of San Francisco has to run a balanced budget by law. Current budget is $8.96 billion. For fiscal year 2016 starting in June the mayor projects a $100 million deficit in a city with a booming economy and SOARING real estate prices/taxes and has told departments to cut 1.5%. So no $6 billion in debt.
Clearly I had the wrong info in my head and got that wrong. She is still a wacko IMO, as are 99.9% of politicians above household level.

Back to the Magnum...
I remember the smog in Boston if there was no sea breaze... Ackkkk.
Then they would show us pics of LA :wideyed:
There is a reason for all that smog **** and I am all for it. I'm sure none of you ever saw Los Angeles in 1966. Well that is when I moved there from Maryland. We arrived in the San Fernando Valley June 1966. Mind you I said valley with mountains all around. You know when I first saw the mountains? It was in September when the Santa Ana winds came through and blew all the heavy thick smog out. I was amazed by how close the mountains where and they were close like 20 miles. Also in junior high that year there were days when we were not allowed to exercise outside during P.E. That was my first experience with a deep breath that was painful and made me choke my head off. It was not fun living there and explains why California started regulating emissions come 1965. Much of the Los Angeles area is basins surrounded by mountains. You have the San Fernando Valley, the San Gabriel Valley, and the basin for the actual city of Los Angeles to name some. L.A. was similar to Beijing today in a way only we saw the writing on the wall while the Chinese don't and are now paying a heavy price.

LA Smog: the battle against air pollution

Picture is 1948. I remember worse. The buildings would no longer be visible.
True, the LA basin is much better off with the smog laws of today, and I have no problem with a desire for clean air. But to not allow a car to be registered here because someone replaced a bad designed, lean-burn system for a better Edelbrock - which gets better MPG at ht same time - is ridiculous! The Smog Check II Law, currently in place in the LA Basic, Sacramento, SF, Fresno, and other large populated areas in California, was written with the expressed purpose of "getting the large, gas-guzzling, gross-polluter. big V-8 cars off of the road." What has surprised them is how many of these large cars do pass the tests, while so many 4-bangers don't. When was the last time you saw an '80s Toyota or Honda on the road? They do not pass.

On the other hand, most of the cars dated 1980 and earlier are driven less than 2,000 miles a year. Therefore, they are hardly contributing to pollution at all. Yet, there are people in Sacramento who would love it if my Newport were crushed - all in the name of clean air. That's ludicrous and ignorant.
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