Anybody else park way the heck out there and walk a mile to door?


"Iggy my Mc-Bum-Fuk"
FCBO Gold Member
Jan 14, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Paradise
Drives everyone i'm with crazy...But, I park way on the fringe or deep in the middle with a cushion... when I shop. So many close calls...
even with this red brute.
Yes I do. My Fury doesn't do shopping center trips but I park my daily drivers in no mans land. They might be a few years old but I like to keep them looking good. People have a hard time maneuvering parking spaces while on their phones. The spaces are designed for nothing bigger than a Toyota Corolla.
Yeah, I park way out with plenty of room, and my truck still got hit before it had 700 miles on it. Probably on purpose by some a-hole in a pile of ****. :elmer:
Ya I park way out there , my wife really likes it too (NOT!). It's a running joke with her and her girlfriends about how much exercise we get when I drive.
yup, me too. when I must park with the unwashed, don't give a damp about other peoples property I use Door shox on my Challenger. They are a dense foam, that adheres to the car using magnets
Have always parked on the fringe of a parking lot since I started driving. However, I don't drive my old cars into lots anyway.

Now my wife likes to park in close. Last Friday she did it with a huge Chevy SUV next to her. When I got home I saw a white line down half the car to the rear bumper. WTH! It was along the wide ding strip and when I went to rub it I saw I could wipe the white line off. That also means the white Chevy SUV now has a big black smudge on the corner of her (the driver) truck. My wife won't listen (3rd time) so no newer cars for her.
I do too, but for some reason, it seems somebody always parks beside it while I'm shopping. I guess they must think my car is lonely.
:lol: Why???

Same thing here in Finland. For some reason when I get back to the car from the shop, some beaten up Nissan micra or similar has parked next to my car almost hugging it :realcrazy:
I do too, but for some reason, it seems somebody always parks beside it while I'm shopping. I guess they must think my car is lonely.
:lol: Why???
I have had that, too...But, also have had another classic or collector park next to problem there...looking out for each other...we're not gonna ding each other.
For WIW, I do my best not to put the pretty cars in those situations and find myself checking on the car when I have no choice. The DD gets parked according to my convenience, usually with a thought to loading or unloading or where I can exit smoothly. By now, the door dings and paint transfer almost don't bother me (almost).

The 99 burb seems to fit the spaces better than most corollas around here, and you should see how many hondas I see that seem to require 3,5 or more attempts to get into a space... they must have reduced the turning radius of newer cars judging by the driver's struggles.
I do that with ever car I drive. I have decided not to go to a place that I have planned to go, because the lot was too full.

If my wife wants to go to a restaurant where they have valet parking, we drive her car. :)
Drives everyone i'm with crazy...But, I park way on the fringe or deep in the middle with a cushion... when I shop. So many close calls...View attachment 142268 even with this red brute.

Me too, and with any car i'm driving.
That guy parked beyond you has to learn. Pull through spot, pull through spot.
Jeez people these days won't even let you back out of your spot anymore!
I try NOT to take my car anywhere where it is out of my sight if I have to park. Parts are just to F-ing expensive and hard to find to do stupid crap like that! Your just asking for trouble, but it's your car, do what you want!
I can't believe how big the side mirrors of a Ford pick upare and how far they extend from the body. They extend beyond the defined parking space in many cases. I've had them park next to me where the mirrors wouldn't allow me to open my door. Don't know if they're intended to retract manually as it didn't sound pretty when i shoved the thing out of my way. They can swivel out of my way too whether designed to do so or not.
I try NOT to take my car anywhere where it is out of my sight if I have to park. Parts are just to F-ing expensive and hard to find to do stupid crap like that! Your just asking for trouble, but it's your car, do what you want!
I hear ya completely...I scope out every parking spot that I can park and see from inside at the ATM, cashier checkout, Liquor store, hardware, etc...I shop very efficiently....At the big box/department stores I just drop off and sit for pickup of wife or mother-in-law... But, I still sit out there waiting in no man's land.
and you should see how many hondas I see that seem to require 3,5 or more attempts to get into a space... they must have reduced the turning radius of newer cars judging by the driver's struggles.
No Jeff, I think it's mostly a case of, if you aren't smart enough to even buy a car, you probably aren't smart enough to be able to drive. Follow any Honda, and within a couple of miles the "driver" will do something stupid. It works almost every time.