For Sale Cheap Service Manuals 1990-2004

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Senior Member
Aug 9, 2017
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Dublin, PA
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I have a pallet load of service manuals that have to go. I'm not expecting a flood of interest on these, but if anyone sees something they want, I'll make a deal you can't refuse. Shipping can be by USPS media mail, which is pretty cheap or free delivery to Carlisle in July. I'll be home for at least the next two weeks, maybe to the end of the month. This deal ends when I go back on the road, so no procrastinating on this one. Certain years of the popular manuals are in rough shape, such as Durango, Dakota, and Grand Cherokee.

Spoken for so far:

2001 Ram Van&Wagon (have a 2nd copy available)
2001 Ram Van&Wagon Powertrain Diag.
2002 DR Ram Truck Powertrain Diag
2002 DR Ram Truck Chassis Diag.
2003 T&C and Caravan
2003 41TT Transaxle
2003 Powertrain diagnostic supplement
2003 Minivan Powertrain

1990 b.jpg









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I'm interested in the 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup manual(s). Not sure if there is one or two.
I'm interested in the 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup manual(s). Not sure if there is one or two.

Hi Bill, It looks like two, one being real thin. I'll check them out in person tomorrow and let you know for sure.

Ship to 48073 please.
I'm interested in the 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup manual(s). Not sure if there is one or two.

Hi Bill, There are two. Powertrain diagnostics and Chassis diagnostics, which is basically the ABS system. I can set them aside for Carlisle if you would like. You've given me plenty of good deals in the past, so I don't need anything for them.
Ship to 48073 please.

How's $10 plus shipping and I'll throw in the 01 Van powertrain diagnostics? Media mail should be around $10, maybe less. Just PM your address and I'll send them out next time I'm going past the post office. You can pay me after I have the official total w/shipping.
Hi Jeff, looking for 91-93 Dodge Diesel (cummins) and 00-01 Ram pick-up.

Not sure if I just missed them or not.


I'll have to check to see if the 1991 Pickup manual has any diesel info in it. When I was looking earlier today, I had read your post wrong and was looking for 2001 diesel stuff. I'll try again tomorrow when I'm back up at the shop.

We had these for sale at Carlisle a few years ago, and most of what we sold were the truck manuals. I don't think we started out will all that many of them because they were so torn up from use that they were tossed a decade ago when the dealership switched over to computer based manuals.
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Hi Bill, There are two. Powertrain diagnostics and Chassis diagnostics, which is basically the ABS system. I can set them aside for Carlisle if you would like. You've given me plenty of good deals in the past, so I don't need anything for them.

Jeff, Thank you so much! That works for me.
Hi Jeff, looking for 91-93 Dodge Diesel (cummins) and 00-01 Ram pick-up.

Not sure if I just missed them or not.


Looks like the 1991 Truck manual is a complete manual with all sections from 0 through 25, including the 5.9 Cummins engine.

Would you be picking this up at Carlisle, shipping to a US address, or shipping to Canada?
I will buy you a case of beer at Carlisle or lunch at the food vendor of your choice if you could send me a picture of the pinout diagram for a 98 5.2-5.9 gas engine. I don't want the whole manual because once it is welded back together and runs that POS is out of here or I'll just sell it off non running.
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