CA Wildfires


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
Waddell AZ
Here's a picture of all the smoke from the fires in California 350 miles away here in Phoenix. I can only imagine how bad it must be near the fires.
This was here last year from all the fires in British Columbia...


Compared to what it usually looks like...

We had the same bright orange sunrise here in Santa Clarita. This pic is from the lake fire. It’s been burning strong for weeks now. It’s about 20-30 min north of us. All the smoke Az is getting now is from the gender reveal fire south of Angeles Crest. The lake fire’s smoke touched Nevada in about 4 hours.


We got it way better than up north. Up there is a complete disaster. Today due to high winds they started cutting power to the cities. Sucks.
We have good friends that are just North of you in Castaic. Is that the lake in the Lake fire Goose?
Castaic was involved but the fire actually burned Lake Hughes. My brother could see the smoke cloud from where he lives down by Disneyland.
Here’s the view from my front door at 4:30 PM today. Just outside of Sacramento. It’s currently raining pine needle ash. Closest (big) Fire is about 50 miles away.
AQI was 416 last I checked (hazardous level air quality). Crazy times... And there is no filter on that pic.

Southern Oregon where I live is burning. I'm safe, the Chrysler is safe for now. Some of my techs have lost or will lose their homes tonight.
Mother Nature is not happy with us I fear.....
Sonoma county fires were started by a severe lighting storm like I have never seen before.
2500 strikes in a short time period. A heat wave of 105 during day.95 at night, a very sudden drop to 60. We have had record breaking heat wave for the past week.
It was 111 here yesterday! Rolling PGE blackouts
Four the past 4 years there has major out of control fires in NorCal.
I'm keeping a permanent evac kit by the door.
I’m thinking about all you guys too, stay safe!
if you all had just listened to your fearless leader and raked the forest then none of this would have happened. stay safe.
And you're a fuckin un-American idiot to blame the PotUSA for something he had no control over and didn't cause it! Go suck on Narcissist Nancy's tit! BIOYA

He's such a idiot like Biden that he believes in truth over facts!

Um, I think 73coupe was mocking.