1965 polara 4spd


Senior Member
Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score



……………….More change to sell if you put period correct parts in i guess….:wideyed:
Hot Rod with manual drum brakes. Wrong interior, dash pad holed for accessory gauges. 4 speed added, much non original stuff under the hood. After market wheels. Missing tach from console. At nearly $17k this car is overpriced as either a hot rod or a project to bring back. On the upside, the car looks clean and straight, though I doubt the color is original. Should be a fun driver, but would need at least power brakes to be a good driver in traffic. In this market, this car is unlikely to sell at anywhere near the asking price. It too bad really because someone spent a lot of money to create their dream street rod and is now hopelessly upside down trying to sell it, seems like a never ending story.

Maybe for $10K less than the asking price. You could fix the brakes and have some fun shifting gears.
It looks to me like every dime that they spent on the car was wasted.
I'll see your center console shifter cut-out job and raise you a piss-poor tach and gauge install ... Some guys really don't get the idea of these old cars...

To go through the effort of painting the dash and steering column, only to slap on a hose clamp over it makes no sense

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The bickering on this site never ceases to amaze.

The seller is selling for his son, the son has had it 12 years, the father helped him build the car.

This was a kids car. The kid probably has a family now and the car has to go.

The car was put together from more than one car telling that they probably did not start with a great car.
If he wanted a hot rod why not start with an E body? Everybody knows why.

If a dealer had it for sale the price would not be lower and they would eventually sell it. If they were willing to take it to a port. They would sell it in a week. The current seller may have to chunk it down thousands to sell it in Idaho on Craigslist.

As as far as what was invested versus what was realized. A father and son built a car. Put a price on that.

I would love to be a young guy with this car.
I'll see your center console shifter cut-out job and raise you a piss-poor tach and gauge install ... Some guys really don't get the idea of these old cars...

To go through the effort of painting the dash and steering column, only to slap on a hose clamp over it makes no sense

View attachment 382345
That's the only way to mount a tach on the column, well, maybe there's a plastic type clamp somewhere out there. I used a clamp like that for my car, it works and cost close to nothing, good enough for me.
Actually, the clamp is period correct. That's s how everybody mounted their SW tachs back then. Unfortunately, his guage rage makes it look like a Suburu WRX
Could have gone with a Sun tach and modified the already modified center console and mounted it there.

But like like Rustyrodknocker said .. why bicker. Hopefully car goes to someone who will enjoy having an old C-Body and whatnot has to offer.
I like it. I’m not crazy about the color, but then it’s not mine and I don’t wanna buy it. It is however, super clean and seemingly pretty well executed, regatdless of their taste in accesories. I feel we should be applauding anyone that’s taken one of these old beauties and put in the time and money to make it better than when they bought it. There’s too few of us left
My 2 cents
Their car, so do what you want to it.
Father son project. Sounds great, good selling story. Likely true, maybe.
It's the price that blows me away.
Up here you would get laughed at if you asked half of asking price in our small dollars.
Rusty, tell me more about the "port" you mentioned.
My 2 cents
Their car, so do what you want to it.
Father son project. Sounds great, good selling story. Likely true, maybe.
It's the price that blows me away.
Up here you would get laughed at if you asked half of asking price in our small dollars.
Rusty, tell me more about the "port" you mentioned.

That is reference to sellers facilitating export. For many foreign buyers, the cost is not the largest obstacle. It's getting someone to work with them when the deal presents itself.
There are people making a living with this facilitation. It's is especially popular with motorcycles. Several of these brokers make youtube videos of a car as if it is for sale, which it is. But it is actually a detailed look for the intended customer.
Then the vehicle gets to go on a boat ride.
This is a for sale section..no need for negative comments/bashing a person's ride. The administrator's should suspend all the crappy comments and negative responses. FOR SALE..not critique a ride section. Comments should be messaged to seller.
This car is listed on craigslist. Then posted here by 69 monaco.
I'm not sure if that makes it a fair target for criticism or not.