440 Block checks out for Stroker build.

My machinist said to not get H beam rods and get I beam instead. If I remember correctly they are lighter and the H beams would be overkill. I will ask him to clarify when I see him again.

Just go with the H-beams that come with the kit.

If you go shopping, I think you will find that I-beams are harder to come by and more $$$ when you do find them. Any discussion as to which one is better is comparable to a Budweiser vs Coors or Miller debate. For your application it's beer, pick one.

You were concerned about compression ratio and pump gas. When I did my 493 15 odd years ago I had Brandon custom order a reverse dome piston with IIRC a 34cc dish. It calc'd out to 8.97:1 and it runs on 87 regular without a rattle on all but the hottest days. I run a pretty aggressive timing curve so a little tuning would probably make that go away.

It calc'd out to 8.97:1 and it runs on 87 regular without a rattle on all but the hottest days. I run a pretty aggressive timing curve so a little tuning would probably make that go away.

Iron heads or aluminum? Thanks for your posts.
Spoke with Dwayne Porter a few times now this week. Went back and forth but after Mr Porter did some research on my behalf going through 440 Source,,Edelbrock,and different cam grinds we came up with a plan, even though he is not building the bottom end for me.
This guy is on the ball . Settled on Stealth heads but he says they need port work to clean them up, but nothing radical for my application. These heads provided the CR we settled on.
He will use what he thinks is best for springs ,retainers etc. He is getting me made a custom hydraulic roller grind cam of his specs which is loosely based on the Comp Hr 268 hr but wider lsa and different exhaust specs to work with the HP manifolds. Morel hydraulic rollers and Comp Ultra Pro Magnum rockers 1.5. I told him I want to be able to drive anywhere in this thing without worry. Settled on 9.8 compression ratio and while I could go higher Mr Porter said " I would much rather set up the engine to be able to run it's max on pump gas than to over build it and have to back it off to accommodate the pump gas." So I pulled out my credit card and off to the races.
Now who was it that recommended Duane Porter to you Turboomni... :lol:

You sir of course! And I am glad I listened to you. Your cars speak for themselves.
How are you enjoying NC these days?
I am very happy for you! I know you worked hard to get there.
Well I started this project in early 2019. It has been awhile and before that I was collecting/buying parts to spread out the costs. It is finally coming together and I am sure it will be on the road in the spring.
I went and saw my builder to check it out before painting.
Here are a few pics I took today. She will be painted all mopar turquoise to look stock.




