66 speedo dash lights


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2022
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Most of the bulbs on this dash section are the bayonet inserts with either 57 or the newer T10 type, however, my two plug in sockets for R/L turn signals were MIA. So, a simple matter of finding new sockets that measure 5/8....no sweat. Except it is not easy. After several tries, I went with the Geek socket meant for older chryslers.....in the 50's. They could not tell me what size they were, but turns out they are 3/4. So I gave up and took the dash apart and drilled them out to the 3/4 for these new sockets. Also get to clean up the lenses inside, lube the gear drive on the odometer, etc as maintenance. So, not all bad.....forced me to strip it down. And since my speedo works with drill, I was tempted to leave him as was.

speedo dash.jpg
Another learned point, is on the bayonet twist on light sockets on these cars. I just ordered some, not knowing that there are at least two sizes.....one for a 1/2 in hole, the 168, and another for the 5/8 hole on my car, the 192 or 194 size. So, I just ordered the larger type for the push in T10 bulbs. Could not find the larger size with brass or copper contacts.....so steel is the new china. Some of mine were T10 and others were 57 bulb.
Another learned point, is on the bayonet twist on light sockets on these cars. I just ordered some, not knowing that there are at least two sizes.....one for a 1/2 in hole, the 168, and another for the 5/8 hole on my car, the 192 or 194 size. So, I just ordered the larger type for the push in T10 bulbs. Could not find the larger size with brass or copper contacts.....so steel is the new china. Some of mine were T10 and others were 57 bulb.
I too need a couple of 5/8" bulb sockets for 2 that are broken. I wouldn't mind a couple more for the turn signals as well. Can you post a link to where you found yours? I don't want to drill out my circuit board or anything, so I'm hoping to find 5/8" exactly, even if the contacts are steel.

thank you!
i got sockets that were supposed to be 5/8 from two suppliers that were wrong. Then I see that partsgeek has sockets for older 50's dashes, and they did not know what size, but I got two thinking that chrysler might have kept them the same......wrong, they were for 3/4 hole. So that is why I drilled mine out. Had to disassemble, which was OK to clean and repair some of the lenses inside, and easy to drill out, and the sockets now actually fit. But no, I have not found source for the 5/8. Kinda like my bayonnet bulb sockets.....these are the larger 5/8, not 1/2 and the two sizes are generally 168 and 192....with variations. So they came in wrong twice now also. Just got a note from one supplier that advertised 5/8, and after some complaints, they tell me that they only have the smaller ones.....so this is still a problem too.
i got sockets that were supposed to be 5/8 from two suppliers that were wrong. Then I see that partsgeek has sockets for older 50's dashes, and they did not know what size, but I got two thinking that chrysler might have kept them the same......wrong, they were for 3/4 hole. So that is why I drilled mine out. Had to disassemble, which was OK to clean and repair some of the lenses inside, and easy to drill out, and the sockets now actually fit. But no, I have not found source for the 5/8. Kinda like my bayonnet bulb sockets.....these are the larger 5/8, not 1/2 and the two sizes are generally 168 and 192....with variations. So they came in wrong twice now also. Just got a note from one supplier that advertised 5/8, and after some complaints, they tell me that they only have the smaller ones.....so this is still a problem too.
I found these - I wonder if they'd work. Mopar A B E Body 64-76 Dash Bulb Socket for 194 Bulb 5/8" Hole
If they are truely the 5/8....which is what happened to me....advertised wrong.....one ebay supplier said he only had the small ones although he adver the larger. Finally today got the correct great ones, correct size and copper. Retro Motive on amazon....very happy.