But I was only following orders....


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
We've been talking about these secret "camps" for a few years now and most of you thought it was just more whackos talking about government conspiracies.

Well, keep laughing..



"But things were different then"....


"you're an alarmist"...


I think the blue pin in central Florida in the FEMA map is Disney World.
Very clever, Walt....

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And I thought at first that's the FCBO members map.
I wouldn't put anything past our gov't. Guess it's time to do some research and learn something new. Ill read that agenda 21.
It's awesome that Agenda 21 bypasses federal and state governments and get local governments to buy into their Ultra Psycho BS. They have mapped out designated areas for "wildness areas" that are currently housing towns and farms and such. Those people will move to "population centers" which means no more gas guzzling cars or trucks. We will all have short range electric golf carts since there will be no need to do travel when all we need is in the immediate area. Awesome, I can't wait for my forced participation in such a great plan by a select few for the masses, all in the name of saving for the world, because it's the only way.
I'm already in one then. You just described Sebring, FL.
So, I didn't move here on my own free will, huh? Interesting....
That explains the new Soylent Green factory.

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I'm already in one then. You just described Sebring, FL.
So, I didn't move here on my own free will, huh? Interesting....
That explains the new Soylent Green factory.

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I'm sure you moved there by choice, it's where THEY'RE going to move you that won't be by choice. But I'm guessing they will leave all of Florida alone.
Was it REALLY by choice??
It wasn't a long range plan to herd the entire senior population into one convenient location surrounded on three sides by water? Florida?
Make us come willingly by enacting laws here that seniors gravitate to like lambs? No income tax. The most liberal Medicare standards in the country?
A DMV that will never take you off the road?
Choice? Lemmings. Path of least resistance.
Agenda 21.
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Was it REALLY by choice??
It wasn't a long range plan to herd the entire senior population into one convenient location surrounded on three sides by water? No income tax. The most liberal Medicare standards in the country?
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Well, my aunt and uncle did move there from Ohio, and got a trailer next to theirs for all the birds cat's dogs and whatever else they got.

How do you have such liberal policies when run by republicans? Was Jeb really a progressive in disguise? I'm all for no income tax however.

In Minnesota we have like the 5th highest tax rate in the nation, something like that. The smokers are helping to pay for the new football stadium, let's just add a dollar or two tax to a pack of smokes because an industry that never existed (electronic pull tabs) didn't generate any revenue. "It was the backup plan all along." This is after they raised taxes on smokes to help pay for health care. Glad I quit long before this came along.
My previous post was 100% tongue in cheek.
Jeeze, you guys......
And they allow you to vote? Lol!!!

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