CHP 1969 Polara donated to CHP Museum


Old Man with a Hat
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
Lompoc, CA
In 2010 I met Ron Hurwitz when I was still working on making a clone CHP 69 Polara. At that time he told me that the plan was to someday donate his car to the CHP Museum. Through the years he had received offers and had people question him, Ron isn't a person with money and could use money from the sale of the car. The 69 Polara is an iconic car in the CHP, the history has made the car a thing of legends and the myths about it can make your head spin. The 69 Polara has cemented it self in history with its involvement in the Newhall Incident, a shootout where four officers lost their life.

Ron (right) with retired CHP Commissioner Spike Helmick (a good friend of Ron's).

The new home till a proper museum is built, CHP Academy lobby.


This was done during the CHP Retirees event.

He was introduced by the current CHP Commissioner with the presentation recognizing the donation be done by Retired CHP Commissioner Spike Helmick


All day the retirees came by to check out the car and thank him for the donation.

Wow! A champion of the hobby and the CHP!

Good on him, hope he can get a tax deduction for the donation.

It’s a fabulous car, so much love, hard work and dedication went into Ron’s car. I hope to see it again one day.
Last month Ron and I went to Sacramento to see the car being put into the administration building. The car was waiting outside the hanger where it had been kept. We wiped the car down while we waited for them to be ready. I didn't get there in time to see the Camaro being taken out. Prior to actually putting it in the building we got some pictures of the car in the quad by the memorial fountain. I saw them drive the Camaro out so I had a good idea the Polara would be driven in, what we didn't know was that Ron was going to be driving and I ended up giving directions. Backing all the way the car first had to aim for the opened wall at an angle the had the car pointing the wrong way till the front cleared the column then once the rear wheel was in the car had to hook to clear opened window panel. From there it was jockeyed in place.






Engine, trans and steering oil will eventually leak, probably gas also. Maybe brake fluid too. Gas will go bad. Will they drain all that? Tires will go flat - will they put the car on jack stands? Take the battery out?
The car didn't drip much at all. The car will be run each month (usually after hours, doors open), battery is an AGM repo battery and will be disconnected but left in the car.
I pulled a car out of a field, still had air 30 years later.

They have been keeping a car there for a great many years and take great pride in them, every several months the cars are taken out and driven around the EVOC track.

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