Dad passed away last week


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Jan 18, 2013
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Last Sunday, my dad passed away at the nursing home he was staying at after a having a brief stay at the local hospital in Dayton. He was in his room, sitting in his chair, waiting on a staff member to return with his breakfast which would have been followed by his daily physical & occupational therapy sessions when he passed.

He looked forward to the daily therapy sessions, knowing that when he got stronger, his stay would be be short and that it would enable him to leave the nursing home and to return home, where he wanted to be. He wanted out of there badly, mostly because he was unable to have visitors due to the restrictions that are in place because of the coronavirus, and the 14-day quarantine restrictions he was under once being admitted. He didn't have the virus. It was precautionary step the nursing home had in place to protect it's patients.

After several conversations between his nurses and therapists a days earlier, and learning of his improved health condition, my brothers and sisters were in the process of making arrangements to have him return home with a FT nurse. The worst part of his nursing home stay for me and my siblings, was not being able to see him before his passing because of the quarantine. However, we knew our daily phone calls from all of us were keeping his spirits high.

We had planned to have a 90th birthday party for him in July. But now and over the next few weekends and a few more trips to Ohio, we will be settling his estate instead.

My mom passed away a few years ago. They were married for 59 years and truly loved one another like no one else I have ever known.
It’s glad knowing they're back with one another once again.
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So sorry for your loss. It's so unfortunate that this virus has made it difficult to spend time with loved ones at the end of life. Prayers for you and your family
Sorry for your loss. 89 is a damn good run. May he rest in peace!
I pray God's Blessing on you and your family at this difficult time. We know that this comes to all of us, but it is never easy. Remember that our "dear ones", especially our parents, live on in our memories and the in lessons they have taught us. They are honored when we pass these on to the next generations.
Sorry for your loss.

Sounds like you had great parents and family too!
So sorry for the loss of your father, my condolences to you and all those whose lives were brightened by him.
So sorry to read of your loss. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
My condolences for your loss. I know it is not easy since I lost my mom in similar circumstances back in 2016. Time eventually heals.
Many condolences on the loss of your dad. The pandemic and lockdowns have not made it easy on those of us who have elderly parents in care facilities. My dad is 87 years old, lives 6 blocks from me, and I have seen him twice in the last year, and only because he had to be taken and brought back for minor surgery. Only one family member per household can visit. Hopefully this ends soon. C Shaft
I’m sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your family.

My dad passed in 2017 and I think of him and the stuff he taught me every day. Treasure the older folks, when we were young we used to know everything, but when they are gone we realize how much there is to learn.
Very sorry to hear that Tim. With a relationship as described between your mom and dad, that probably made it possible to have such a long run in this world. I would focus on them being together again in a better place "where every tear will be wiped away" when we finally get to meet our maker.

My dad was 90 when he passed and it was a really unexpected event too. He had been discharged from the hospital the day before after a bout with pneumonia and I was at his board and care facility when he came home the evening before. He had a smile on his face and seemed very alert and recognized me instantly probably because I made it a point to visit him just about every week day at lunch. He always knew who I was up until the very end but never seemed to recognize anyone else. The following morning when I was at work, I got a call from the facility saying I needed to get there fast because he was having trouble breathing and an ambulance was on the way. I didn't make it by about 3 minutes and then he was gone.

You just never know why sometimes.............................

You will be in my prayers that everything will work out well for you going forward.

Best wishes,
Very sorry for your lost, my thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I pray things go well with the estate.
Hearing how nice and caring your parents were has me reflecting on my old neighborhood where half of the kids I grew up with had one or no real parent in charge. I also experienced the same situations with Soldiers while I was in the Army for 20 years. I just couldn't believe how many Soldiers came from broken families! I was lucky to have great parents too. They were married for 50 years. All the kids with one parent or really no parent in charge use to hang out at our house. My Mom always had 3 or 4 kids or more sometimes eating meals with us every day. I also recognize all the good guys from FCBO and it makes feel good to call these guys my friends. I did everything I could to help Soldiers too. A lot of them were just miserable that they were stuck on an overseas tour for 2 or 3 years. Got them to mature and enjoy themselves and get their life on a good path to success and ready for life after the Army. I was also the tour meister. We went on tours to Communist East Berlin during the Cold War. Ski weeks in the Alps. Paris for the weekend for $12. I still run into these guys 30+ years later at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Tim it has always been fun to get together with you and hang out and talk. Know that April and I have been thinking of you and your family the past week. See you soon buddy. Paul