Differences Between Alternators, Take 2


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
San Diego
So I'm changing out my alternator, and this is a bit embarrassing that I can't just do something that simple without asking a question.

The replacement alternator isn't quite the same as the previous one. The depth of the face to the pulley seems the same, as is the bolt layout for tightening. But the layout of the electrical connections on the back is different.

In particular, the old alternator has a blue wire attached to a bolt on the housing. Hard to see here, but the bolt is the same one that holds the housing together. It comes out the back about a half inch, and a 5/16" nut holds the wire on.


New alternator doesn't have that bolt coming out the back. It sits flush:


Looking at the alternators, it appears that it's just a ground, and I can attach that wire to another threaded spot on the housing of the new alternator. Correct?

