Drive shaft shortening for cheap skates


What's the purpose of the inner tube? looks like it was set back a few inches from the end where you cut off the yoke?

What's the purpose of the inner tube? looks like it was set back a few inches from the end where you cut off the yoke?
Vibration dampening or noise reduction (reduce tinny sound of the driveshaft). It is not connected to anything and can be removed if you cut off more than 5-6".
I'm planning a swap from the 904 to a 727 in the Admiral and will need to shorten the drive shaft about 4 1/2 inches. This is the method i'll use.
Since this thread popped up at the bottom from the other current driveshaft thread.

The good report is, with a couple of clutch sidesteps and a couple half hearted power shifts, my weld held up, not that I expected less.
No vibrations to report from the driveshaft to around 85 MPH the brakes are another story and a reason to not venture above 85.