I hate door panels!


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida




That's why I hate anything power operated hidden behind those Panels.
Reinforcing the blown out holes with 2 part epoxy and gen-yoo-wine steel. As God intended.
Cardboard my ***...:soapbox:

Yep, its not like there's much humidity in FL.... been there done that... you have my deepest sympathies... but if you don't wind up gluing to a tool or work bench... your doing better than I usually do.
You've never pulled door panels?

I think they have a limited number of times they can be removed.

If I were to do it again, I think I would try some small button magnets instead of clips.
Some door Panels from today's models are more or less of the throw away type I heard.
Some door Panels from today's models are more or less of the throw away type I heard.

Actually, they moved away from the pressboard(cardboard) backing to just plastic... so until your biodegradable plastic door panel starts breaking down... much easier to deal with, in most cases. 20-30-40 years later... these newer plastics will be even worse than the old...they are meant to break down in the landfill better than the old.

Keep up the good work Stan! Oh and I have had difficulty with some adhesives on those pressboard backers... give a little test pull on one when cured... sometimes the epoxy made to bond plastics works better...sometimes Goop... sometimes 3m trim adhesive(gorilla snot)... I have made big smeary messes trying to get a solid bond but at least no one else ever sees...unless you post a picture.
I found a difference in 2 part epoxy adhesives.
Short cure times (1 hr. for example) result in an epoxy more like plastic vs. the rigid hard epoxies that take up to 48 hours to cure.
5 minute adhesives may stick like crazy but have no shear strength. Concrete takes 28 days