Moment of Truth Approacheth...

Gerald Morris

Senior Member
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
Good Evening Moparians,

After getting screwed by PAYPAL on the delivery of the exhaust gas checker kit, wife and I decided we can't afford to be down for 2 additional idle days awaiting shipment of something PayPal is stealing. Until this ugly business, I didn't realize that PayPal is just a filthy pack of usurious "middle men" who buy products low from vendors, and sell to you for their parasitic profit. I KNEW about their money schemes, but THIS outrage is likely going to result in the Morris Family's withdrawal of our business from PayPal. WHAT SCUM!

Anyway, I began the process of removing the heads late this afternoon. I've had to CLEAN this filthy engine PLENTY as I go, both for the health of my self and family, and that of the engine. You'll see soon enough....

I managed first to uncover the engine boss, and the numbers typical of a 1968 383, thus confirming my suspicion that this IS THE ORIGINAL ENGINE TO THIS CAR! It goes with the radiator, which also is a 1968 radiator. Ecce:

2 12

Yep, its a 1968 engine.

I predicted the next condition to Tamara, my Balkan Bride, before removing the intake manifold:
Hoooly RATSHIT Ratman! I based my predition on the ugly trick played by my air compressor, when I blasted into the crossover port and got bombarded by rat feces from the other side. Oh these barn finds are FULL of FUN! I had noticed small tufts of fiberglass insulation earlier, when installing the oil pressure gauge. So, after the bombardment, I predicted what in fact proved to be exactly the case visible above/ ONE Pleasant surprise though; that valley pan turned out not to have any corrosion holes. I thank the Lord for my blessings. Look at the crossover port on the bottom side of this pic. Nasty buildup there, eh?

All the intake ports show some carbon fouling, indicative of backfiring. The two worst are on cylinders 4 and 6. Surprise surprise SURPRISE! That's about where I read the highest block temperatures a few days back. Reckon those 53 yr old steel shim gaskets may have rusted to powder, allowing crossover detonation? I wot it might just be so. Nasty lookin, ain't they?

BUT, things don't look ALL BAD! Far from it. Check out the cam and lifters;

NO collapsed lifters in THIS engine! Cam lobes all look nice and sharp too. Oil looks a bit dark now, but NO DAMNED COOLANT!!! The little bit of crap toward the front fell in when I removed the valley pan. Be SURE, I'll get that **** out regardless of what else I do.

I plan to open those bores tomorrow on both sides. If I do the even numbers, I'll have to do the odd ones too. No point in letting old rust serve as gaskets any longer. I HAVE seen this **** before, 2 years ago. When these engines sit in barns, parked there by yahoos who don't drain them, this happens. I just thank St. Joe the thing runs well, aside from overheating from a blown out gasket or 2. I'd say this got caught in good time now. I'll also see if I can do some cleaning on those ports. I can't grind them right now, but I figure I CAN clean them.

Any Guiding Wisdom will be appreciated at this point. Y'all will get to see the works this time tomorrow, God-willing.
PayPal is... parasitic.

Good to see someone else abandoning them. :thumbsup:

That lifter valley looks pretty clean which is either a sign that someone took care of basic maintenance or this thing has been rebuilt at some point. Looking at the outside I'd say someone took care of it.
Good to see someone else abandoning them. :thumbsup:

That lifter valley looks pretty clean which is either a sign that someone took care of basic maintenance or this thing has been rebuilt at some point. Looking at the outside I'd say someone took care of it.

I share your assessment of this engine and car in general. I've got a ream of maintenance receipts dating back into the late 1970s, not long after the Air Farce family which long owned Gertrude first got her, up until when they sold her to the stupid, vile flipper this past May. ONE family owned this car from 1977 through 2021!

This doesn't imply that ALL was well with their stewardship though, but they TRIED as best as they understood for a long time to care for this machine until they entombed her in a barn somewhere in Cochise County, leaving a Fram oil filter screwed onto the pump, and COOLANT IN THE WATER JACKET!! This made for quite a rusty soup in the radiator when I bought Gertrude, but, as the ONLY C body Mopar for sale in the southern part of the State with an engine capable of MOVING its weight, my choice came to whether to buy it or NOT. After driving around a few blocks in my shitty barrio, I opted to buy. After all, I HAVE another running engine in the driveway, though a quick ride with Gertrude convinced Mama of the merits of this one. Mathilda's engine had about 260,000 miles on it when we bought her 5 yrs ago. We average 10 kilo-miles/annum.

There are other little insults throughout the car, but it has about 95% of the original metal and plastic it rolled off the Detroit line with in 1968. The owners probably used mechanics on sundry Air Force bases to keep Gertrude rolling and running, at least up until 1989, the date on the D o D Ft. Huachuca sticker on the top middle of the windshield. Given the age of the Champion J14Y plugs I found in the heads after purchase, along with the Fram oil filter, the stink of cigarette smoke in the carpet, old fashioned yellow Scotch-lok wire nuts up under the dash, connecting the turn signal harness to the Molex plug originally meant for that purpose, I'd guess the car got parked SOON after the Spring of 1989. There certainly was enough rat excrement piled on the engine to attest to a tale of several decades. That probably helped save this car for ME, Deo gratias.

I'd LOVE to see the Biden Regime seize PayPal, and HANG its shareholders in Living Color on Youtube, just before hanging Google's CEO, shareholders and other mismanagers, especially those hired post 2015.


(HEMP! 100% Natural, Recyclable fiber...)​

I'd even say Nice Things about Uncle Joe then.... but I won't hold my breath waiting for THAT.

I rejoice that you've seen the Light about PayPal, for sure! :)
About the PayPal bashing, I think it's more along the line of NAPA not telling you the whole story as if they accept PayPal they have a PayPal account and part of that is that PP holds the funds from them in case there is a dispute, that's how PP works. I've had no problems with PP on many eBay purchases and I go back to the days of eekBay when you could pay with a Money Orders to avoid PP fees. I've used PP for online accounts and subscriptions and the biggest delay if not being instantaneously is maybe 20 minutes to a hour. So I suspect it's NAPA and they ain't telling you the truth.

It's funny the only recent problem I had with a online purchased was with ordering some computer memory from with my CC account with them.
The problem stemmed from the bargain (not free) UPS/USPS combo shipping, (don't ever use that) I had tracking numbers and it seems that the last leg (USPS) too door was the fault as USPS had a bad attitude as the were cut out of the first leg(?) It was so bad (15 days total) that I found a perfect Dell certified set of memory modules on eBay, ordered them and were in my mailbox with free shipping in 3 days. I explained the problem to Crucial and requested to return of their ram, the sent me a pre-paid mailer and credited my account very quickly. dun-deal. :realcrazy:

About the PayPal bashing, I think it's more along the line of NAPA not telling you the whole story as if they accept PayPal they have a PayPal account and part of that is that PP holds the funds from them in case there is a dispute, that's how PP works.

Many, MANY auto part vendors have the same arrangement with PayPal, and tell their customers no more than NAPA about the ugly details. Yes, they held the money, and tacked their usurious fee onto the transaction which WAS NOT ADVERTISED UNTIL ACCOMPLISHED. Twice in one day, with VatoZone being the other outfit, then screwing up the shipment after NAPA promised Free Next Day Delivery was too much!

Yes, I use PayPal on ePay, because that's their original home, and the way one does business there. All the same, usury and profiteering are evil ****, which righteous governments have punished at times. Contrary to smug, ignorant libertoon delusions, crooked economic practices are NOT PHYSICAL LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE AND MERIT NO SUCH INTELLECTUAL AUTHORITY. One purpose of a Social Contract is to protect the toilers from predation. When this FAILS, then it becomes the Duty of the proletariat to overthrow their exploiters, and impose their own regime in their interests. Even the Founding Pedarast Tommy Jefferson admitted the validity of the Social Contract, though the FACT of the "fertilizer" of the "Tree of Liberty" proved to upset that degenerate coward's digestion too much. Ah, but poor Aaron Burr WAS an Exception, to the Rule represented by Jefferson on one hand, Adams on the other....
Many, MANY auto part vendors have the same arrangement with PayPal, and tell their customers no more than NAPA about the ugly details. Yes, they held the money, and tacked their usurious fee onto the transaction which WAS NOT ADVERTISED UNTIL ACCOMPLISHED. Twice in one day, with VatoZone being the other outfit, then screwing up the shipment after NAPA promised Free Next Day Delivery was too much!

Yes, I use PayPal on ePay, because that's their original home,

<BIG SNIP> lol

Adams on the other....

Welp, I don't pay the fee, the seller does, If I see they want to tack on the fee to the bargain item I'm looking at... I keep looking on.

Besides I look at it this way, when I pay with PayPal is that it's funding Elon and his Billionaire Buddies to get the hell out of here to a frigg'in dead planet.
Good riddance to bad rubbish I say!

PayPal has nothing to do with any shipping, ever. It's on the vendor whom you bought from. Was there anything besides the water pump gaskets that you didn't get? Those are still common at parts stores. I'd have thought a couple of phone calls and a quick trip to a vato zone or O'Reallys would have been as quick and much cheaper. Sucks, but whaddya do?
You are just now figuring out PayPal is screwing all of us? And the current regime won’t do squat about it, it likes it when the general public gets screwed, just look at the developments of the last 10 months!

Gerald that engine looks very good for a 55 year old original. It’s cleaner than usual. Excited for you that is a good one. Waiting to see what the rest of it looks like.

please use a 6 point 9/16” socket and pull the plugs out of the sides of the block and drain it, don’t get coolant inside that nice engine. The time spent on the drain plugs will be time saved getting the water/coolant out of it.
I would be tickled with how that engine looks like.

As far as PaPal goes I thought they were going to pickle me earlier this year. I made a purchase online and it turned out the website was a scam. When I reported it they said that they give the seller 30 days to respond. A week later I got two emails; one a receipt the other UPS tracking. The tracking number was totally bogus, but functioned on UPS website. It said the package was delivered to our side door at a time i would've been home and that it weighed 9 lbs. After I received this information PayPal delivered the dispute in the seller's favor. I found a phone number for PayPal on my credit card statement and called them. After explaining to them that I would've been home when they claimed the package was delivered, we don't have a side door, and the package should weighted closer to 50lbs. They checked the information and reversed their decision issuing me a full refund.
Welp, I don't pay the fee, the seller does, If I see they want to tack on the fee to the bargain item I'm looking at... I keep looking on.

Besides I look at it this way, when I pay with PayPal is that it's funding Elon and his Billionaire Buddies to get the hell out of here to a frigg'in dead planet.
Good riddance to bad rubbish I say!


You are just now figuring out PayPal is screwing all of us? And the current regime won’t do squat about it, it likes it when the general public gets screwed, just look at the developments of the last 10 months!

Gerald that engine looks very good for a 55 year old original. It’s cleaner than usual. Excited for you that is a good one. Waiting to see what the rest of it looks like.

please use a 6 point 9/16” socket and pull the plugs out of the sides of the block and drain it, don’t get coolant inside that nice engine. The time spent on the drain plugs will be time saved getting the water/coolant out of it.

Right on! I got MOST of the damned coolant out, but in my haste to see the Virgin deflowered, I spilt a few cups into the bores, even AFTER sucking it out w the shop vac. The Reason for this to no small degree I'll reveal in the Next thread.

Stay Tuned!
I would be tickled with how that engine looks like.

As far as PaPal goes I thought they were going to pickle me earlier this year. I made a purchase online and it turned out the website was a scam. When I reported it they said that they give the seller 30 days to respond. A week later I got two emails; one a receipt the other UPS tracking. The tracking number was totally bogus, but functioned on UPS website. It said the package was delivered to our side door at a time i would've been home and that it weighed 9 lbs. After I received this information PayPal delivered the dispute in the seller's favor. I found a phone number for PayPal on my credit card statement and called them. After explaining to them that I would've been home when they claimed the package was delivered, we don't have a side door, and the package should weighted closer to 50lbs. They checked the information and reversed their decision issuing me a full refund.

I had some TERRIBLE ROWS with PayPal 3 and 2 yrs ago, when I still had my home maintenance business going. My client was this wealthy Indian (Hindu) slumlord, and we did all our books and transactions over PayPal. Kept US honest, but what of PayPal and Home Depot? NOT THEM!

So, I had some BIG material purchases with Home Depot, that THEY NEVER FULFILLED. So, I demand a refund. Ah, but they then inform me that I must go to PayPal for THAT, that they REFUNDED my money already. BULLSHIT! PURE BULLSHIT!!!

Then, PayPal GOT the money, about 6 months of my screaming, cursing and threatening later. NOW, THEY decide to get greedy with my money. It took another 3 months to extract my funds from the various departmental tongs in PayPal, but I persevered on the Principle that my family needed shelter, and escalated, brought in the Better Business Bureau, and got my money. No compensation or apologies from either of these gangster-capitalist tongs mind you, or interest earned on my money, but they finally coughed it up.

I only recently have gone back to using PayPal for anything outside of eBay, because I was in a hurry. Won't do THAT again. No Sir!

I got the test kit THIS EVENING. I have the first cylinder head off already, but that kit may avail to test MY WORK down the line. Stay Tuned; the next thread makes all that clearer.....
Now, BEFORE opening teh Next Thread in this series, I will illuminate you all as to what I've found and done right up to the Grand Moment:

That exhaust manifold TOOK MORE TIME THAN ANY OTHER SINGLE COMPONENT to remove! I had to crawl Down Under finally, and crack out my 3/4 inch drive breaker bar to loosen the flange bolts. Well, 5 + decades of superheating, cooling and oxidation makes those "permanent" bolts DAMN NEAR PERMANENT! Deo gratias, I did NOT need my grinder. Thank Old Craftsman tools too.

I had to remove the two middle spark plugs to get at the exhaust manifold bolts too. AGAIN, Cylinder #4 shows FOULING.

My suspicions regarding this cylinder coagulate. We Shall See Soon...

So, NOW we can see the cylinder head. It looks GOOD!
Damned pretty for an original. I start suspecting that this is a reman head. Of course, its a 906, which is Correct for 1968. Given its condition, and how WELL the motor runs, excepting only this runaway overheating, I've no other complaints.

Now, off with the rocker arm assembly. Then, the head bolts. MORE Interesting Details:

This is bolt 17, from the very back of the head, up top. Note the apparent lack of any lubricant on the threads. This one appeared to be put in DRY! Hmmm. It sure as **** required more than 50 ft-lbs torque to break it loose. BUT after the outer 4 bolts, 2 in back, and 2 up front, THEY GET ABSURDLY LOOSE!!!! NO WONDER THINGS ARE GETTING HOT! The inner bolts came loose with VERY MINIMAL EFFORT! Most made a very non-committal, quiet click on the 50-ft# setting, but nearly half didn't even do that. These bolts had loosened over time.


This last pic tells the Real Story more eloquently than the rest, though almost all of them had SOME of this yellowish residue on them, whether the smooth shafts, or the threads, or both. This is the number 4 bolt, near the center of the head. I suspect this yellowish residue is OLD, DRIED COSMOLINE! If somebody KNOWS I'm WRONG, PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME AS TO WHAT THIS SUBSTANCE ACTUALLY IS! Could this be Lubriplate? I know its mentioned a lot in my 1966 FSM. I HAVE FRESH NEW LUBRIPLATE BTW!! Paid a nice price for it, but not prohibitively high. Maybe THIS would be the best stuff for anointing the head bolt threads before re-insertion? Please pardon my ignorance of these details.

Anyway, we now have the cylinder head all ready to be "popped" loose from the block. This thing really does look as good as many a reman I've seen, and YES, I've looked at some online and around Toostoned. I prefer what God brought me here. THIS BE A GOOD HEAD!
I had some TERRIBLE ROWS with PayPal 3 and 2 yrs ago, when I still had my home maintenance business going. My client was this wealthy Indian (Hindu) slumlord, and we did all our books and transactions over PayPal. Kept US honest, but what of PayPal and Home Depot? NOT THEM!

So, I had some BIG material purchases with Home Depot, that THEY NEVER FULFILLED. So, I demand a refund. Ah, but they then inform me that I must go to PayPal for THAT, that they REFUNDED my money already. BULLSHIT! PURE BULLSHIT!!!

Then, PayPal GOT the money, about 6 months of my screaming, cursing and threatening later. NOW, THEY decide to get greedy with my money. It took another 3 months to extract my funds from the various departmental tongs in PayPal, but I persevered on the Principle that my family needed shelter, and escalated, brought in the Better Business Bureau, and got my money. No compensation or apologies from either of these gangster-capitalist tongs mind you, or interest earned on my money, but they finally coughed it up.

I only recently have gone back to using PayPal for anything outside of eBay, because I was in a hurry. Won't do THAT again. No Sir!

I got the test kit THIS EVENING. I have the first cylinder head off already, but that kit may avail to test MY WORK down the line. Stay Tuned; the next thread makes all that clearer.....
Heh... well in the very early days of eBay & PayPal what I learned about in opening a eBay sellers account is it was recommended that you open a separate bank account for PayPal/eBay as if there was a disputed transaction eBay/PayPal would freeze all the funds in your bank account until the dispute was settled and of course there was always some lag in this leading to restricting you from your money for your daily needs. I decided not to go the eBay seller route as I wasn't expecting to do much volume just wanted to get rid of some stuff 'garage sale' style and these tips may have even come from the eBay online community help forum, don't know if this is still the same today.

But speaking of scumbag companies.... aaaYep that's right you all know we just love the Cable Company!

Heh... well in the very early days of eBay & PayPal what I learned about in opening a eBay sellers account is it was recommended that you open a separate bank account for PayPal/eBay as if there was a disputed transaction eBay/PayPal would freeze all the funds in your bank account until the dispute was settled and of course there was always some lag in this leading to restricting you from your money for your daily needs. I decided not to go the eBay seller route as I wasn't expecting to do much volume just wanted to get rid of some stuff 'garage sale' style and these tips may have even come from the eBay online community help forum, don't know if this is still the same today.

But speaking of scumbag companies.... aaaYep that's right you all know we just love the Cable Company!


Many, MANY auto part vendors have the same arrangement with PayPal, and tell their customers no more than NAPA about the ugly details. Yes, they held the money, and tacked their usurious fee onto the transaction which WAS NOT ADVERTISED UNTIL ACCOMPLISHED. Twice in one day, with VatoZone being the other outfit, then screwing up the shipment after NAPA promised Free Next Day Delivery was too much!

Yes, I use PayPal on ePay, because that's their original home, and the way one does business there. All the same, usury and profiteering are evil ****, which righteous governments have punished at times. Contrary to smug, ignorant libertoon delusions, crooked economic practices are NOT PHYSICAL LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE AND MERIT NO SUCH INTELLECTUAL AUTHORITY. One purpose of a Social Contract is to protect the toilers from predation. When this FAILS, then it becomes the Duty of the proletariat to overthrow their exploiters, and impose their own regime in their interests. Even the Founding Pedarast Tommy Jefferson admitted the validity of the Social Contract, though the FACT of the "fertilizer" of the "Tree of Liberty" proved to upset that degenerate coward's digestion too much. Ah, but poor Aaron Burr WAS an Exception, to the Rule represented by Jefferson on one hand, Adams on the other....
I don't understand why you keep equating liberals to business monopolies? Usually liberals try to meddle in it and break it up.
I don't know man, Jesus is my King, I don't get your mixing sin and slander so easily in your prose. I'll just turn around and walk back out this strange door I stepped through...
I don't know man, Jesus is my King, I don't get your mixing sin and slander so easily in your prose. I'll just turn around and walk back out this strange door I stepped through...

Culpable Ignorance is a Mortal Sin. Don't let the door hit you where your head is.....