Newbie to Mopars


New Member
Oct 24, 2023
Reaction score
Good day folks,
quick intro here...
As far as I can remember I am somehow keeping old vehicles alive, no matter if powered by a little 4 cyl inline or a V8 big block. There are many treasures around, not neccesarily only the super rare ones, which deserve to be kept alive. For me it is not only to enjoy the challenges whilst fixing them up, what I always do for a few beers or a good BBQ, but also to show the younger folks what the true bare minimum is for having a good time with a car. Keep it simple, no need for fancy giszmos and electronics to enjoy being on the road.

So....a buddy recently asked me to fix the wiring of his nice 70' Newport, which has been screwed up by several "experts" so it doesn't run any longer - since a few years already.
Having seen her (from outside) I immediately had to say YES man, hope I don't regret this...
I never touched a Mopar before, so I started searching for basic information first. This is how I found the way to this place, which looks promising for getting some support for my new challenge.
Bear with me for asking stupid questions as the Newbie here