Troy MI, 1980


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
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Detroit 'burbs
I was in a bank the other day and was flipping through the local snooty magazine (Hour Detroit) that I would never buy because it's like $9 an issue, and it's mostly ads with beautiful people at places I don't frequent.

Anyways, in a story telling us how much better Troy, MI is now that it has mosques and a Starbucks, they included some photos taken in 1980. I thought you guys might enjoy this... feel free to repost at FABO. One neat thing is that (if you look close) this is a Twister model. Bonus Gremlin behind it.

Unlike the author, I'd give up the Starbucks and even wear the goofy socks if the world could still look the way I remember it as a kid on the playground.

My family moved to Troy in ‘76. It was mostly 2 lane roads with blinking lights at the intersections and the last of the corn fields still remained.

So all the " Free World" Governments want integration because of money ? So society's like Japan, many middle east countries arent interested in money? Im sure the Chinese are interested in money but they certainly dont preach give us as many blacks and whites as you can so we can make money .... The country can make a profit without every ad you see having a little white kid playing with a little not white kid
Going by the shape of the rear window,I think the yellow car in behind might be a Hornet.

Also,it's odd seeing a Twister in a low impact color like medium green.
WARNING: :soapbox:

IMO, it's the scourge of political correctness and political correctness has it's roots in the ultra liberal hippies of the late 60's and early 70's. They figured out that if they controlled the media and universities, they would eventually control the government (local/state/federal).

You have the very rich liberals (Entertainment/university administration and tenured professors...and now politicians and judges) and a large part of the younger idealistic population that doesn't understand that lazy people are not productive and will never be productive as long as you allow them to be lazy. More importantly they don't understand that there are poor and needy AMERICANS that need help.

We have to get our own house in order before we try to save the world......Who here realizes that the main US export for the past 10+ years has been the U.S. Dollar and more importantly, how precarious that makes our economy.

I recently had the misfortune of taking an economics class at Southern New Hampshire University were the textbook and class instruction talked about the purpose of the Department of Commerce and never mentioned that one of the core principles is to improve the economy of the United States......Not the world, as they implied, but the United States. That's how bad it has gotten, they are teaching college kids that the world economy is more important and should come before the US economy. Apparently, they feel that fairness won't be achieved until the US is as poor and desolate as Brazil, Pakistan, India, etc. If they achieve this goal, who's going to help the poor nations if all nations are poor. I don't know about the rest of you, but my charity is in direct proportion to my economic well being. That's what the term "Charity Starts at Home" means.

The entertainment industry, universities, and liberal politicians have been driving home that we should open our doors to everyone regardless of sound immigration policies that they choose not to enforce. They are encouraging our kids to go into the service industry while lobbying for more H1B and H4B work visas for foreign labor for the high paying STEM jobs because they "need" it. :bs_flag:It's actually just for cheap labor and the liberals who actually care about people, not the ones in charge, are too stupid to realize that the tail's wagging the dog. A perfect example of this is that Red Robbin restaurants who are headquartered and concentrated in the north west laid off all their bus boys because they couldn't afford to pay them the increased minimum wage that is the norm in the north west. I'm sure if you talked to those laid off workers, they would take exception to the notion that the increased minimum wage helped the poor.

Undocumented aliens are ILLEGAL aliens with a marketing campaign to make stupid people feel sympathetic to criminals. If I steal a car, I'm not the undocumented owner, I'm a car thief. The other current marketing campaign by the left is "Dreamers". They've had many, many years to attempt citizenship and have chosen not too. I wonder why? Could it be that if they're illegal, they can work without paying taxes and still get free government handouts such as food stamps and welfare? Would they really be that deceitful? Say it ain't so cupcake.....

This isn't a new tactic, the Clinton administration did this and it stuck when they defined semi-automatic rifles as "assault" weapons to make them seem evil. By definition, an assault rifle MUST be able to fire full automatic. Fully automatic rifles have been illegal for citizens without a class 3 FFL license to own since 1939. My favorite part of that BS was that the Clinton administration came out with statistics showing how many "children" were killed with guns but in their statistics, they defined anyone under 21 as a child. So by their own definition of a child, Bill is a child molester because Monica was only 19 when he was screwing around with her.

During the Obumble administration, the Attorney General, Eric Holder, who is now doing a stand up job fixing all of Chicago's ill's, told State's Attorney General's that they didn't have to enforce laws they didn't agree with and the dump *** RINO GOP let him get away with it because they were so afraid of what would happen to them in the media if they challenged him. That's call dereliction of duties boys and girls. Finally, the PA Attorney General found out the hard way that there were repercussions to her actions and she's in jail.

Rant over.....Thank you for your patience.
You'd be labeled 'GAY' by the younger generation today if you wore shorts like that!

shants gone wrong

True , yet I use the words Fag, **** and Gay all the time and guess what, the "20 and younger" crowd find it offensive