What’s the value? 67fury3

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Ed Ed Eddie

New Member
Sep 28, 2020
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I need some help, I’ve been offered a 70 Dodge Dart swinger for my 67 Plymouth Fury3. I love the fury but I ant something that I can drive a little faster and maybe take to the track on the weekends.

how much would you guys say I can get from my car, and is it worth the trade. Should I hold on to it, look for something better or hold on to it.

The car only has 62,000 miles it’s power everything, with a/c and a 383. I just put a new suregrip with 3.23 gears in it.







IMO, don't let that Fury go for anything less than $10k, or some cash added to the Dart. Sweet ride you have.
Unless that Dart swings with a 340, I’d prefer the Fury. That is one clean, nicely optioned convertible you have there. I would look that Dart over really good. A lot of clones out there done up to resemble 340 Swingers and GTs that were born with 225 sixes.
I agree with @M0esy, When thinking about the trade, I would consider the Fury worth a min of 10K. I can also see exactly where you are coming from as well though. In addition to my 68 Fury Convertible, I also have a 340 Dart. The car is set up for street strip and has 411 gears. It is a a lot of fun to drive and a great time at the track, plus I have owned it for 34 years. It was my 1st car so there is a lot of sentimental value also there. But for sheer driving enjoyment, 90% of the time, I find myself grabbing the Fury keys when heading out to a cruise night or just for a ride.

When looking at the Dart, keep an eye out for the usual rot places like around the Torsion bar mounts and the "T" frame sections, Also under the hood where the inner fenders meet the cowl.
If your car has working A/C and all the “power everything” options work, no rust, then that Fury in my neck of the woods would be in the mid to high teens.
keep the fury. much harder to find that nice of C body than it will ever be to find a clean dart.
Or just buy the dart and have both. I know, I know, I don't have that kind of money either.
The Fury is a keeper and a nice clean car, worth about 2 nice clean 318 darts.

I understand your thoughts here. I had a 340 GT in the late 70's, red with black buckets, console, bunch a fun to hot dog around with. Also had a 70 Dart with a stroked 440 running Super Street all over the Northwest for a few years, (the checkbook assassin!) I guess the question I would ask myself is this. When I get tired of the Swinger, (and you will) can I get enough $$$ back for it, and can I then find a Fury convertible this nice to get back to square one?
Now that I am older and somewhat wiser, the big old convertible is my choice.
Keep the Fury.
Top goesdown, value goes up.
383 add 10%
Working AC add 5%
323 sure grip another 5%
Cruising fun factor? Priceless
Keep the Fury. Plenty of Darts around. I prefer to stand out from the crowd. Nice ride.
I have a 67 Fury Convertible and a 70 Dart as well. Odd.
You come on here, they are going to say. "Keep it. Way better then some Crummy little Abody" You could go on the A body forum and they will say. "Get rid of that land barge" It's all subjective. You should really do what you want to do. Just choose wisely and weigh out all the pros and cons of each vehicle.
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I have a 67 Fury Convertible and a 70 Dart as well. Odd.
You come on here, they are going to say. "Keep it. Way better then some Crummy little Abody" You could go on the A body forum and they will say. "Get rid of that land barge" It's all subjective. You should really do what you want to do. Just choose wisely and weigh out all the pros and cons of each vehicle.

Agree. But he asked for opinions.

B body 'vert guy says keep the Fury.
I have a 67 Fury Convertible and a 70 Dart as well. Odd.
You come on here, they are going to say. "Keep it. Way better then some Crummy little Abody" You could go on the A body forum and they will say. "Get rid of that land barge" It's all subjective. You should really do what you want to do. Just choose wisely and weigh out all the pros and cons of each vehicle.
Very True
Both are fine collectable mopars. A bodies from day one have been a very basic car. Ride and handling quality was never up to the C and later B bodies. Interiors are rather spartan also. However there is a huge supply of repro parts available as opposed to our C bodies. Hence all the clone 340 and GTs out there.
At any car show the Fury will be the rare car while the A body will be pretty common.
Thanks for all the opinions, I have decided to keep the fury and save up to buy an a body so that I can have both. Now the real task is getting the wife to understand why I need another car lol.
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