What I've been up too


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
I haven't been overly active here in quite a while, for a multitude of reasons......

But among them was trying to give myself at least one nice vehicle.

Back in Early 2017 I bought myself this 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4. I was realizing that my 2WD 93 Chev was no longer suited to my daily needs, I needed something more powerful, with more capability, however I did not want a new truck as I work my trucks and can't justify buying a truck for $50k+ just to load it with scrap metal, car parts, lumber, branches, etc

So I started trying to decide what I wanted for a truck, my criteria was straight forward, lower mileage, largest available V8, tow package, 4WD, multiport fuel injection, 1/2 ton (at the time we had yellow sticker mania here in Ont-errible).

I quickly decided that I wanted a Second Generation Dodge Ram (94-01). Specifically one that was a 4WD with the 360 Magnum.

I went and looked at about 10 or 11 trucks and had began to give up. Then one Saturday afternoon at work I was scrolling through Kijiji on my phone and came across a terrible ad with only one photo

"01 Dodge 4x4
130k, runs"

I went to look at it the next morning and it was mine. I initially had to do some mechanical and tacked some door bottoms on.

Over the years I went through it mechanically, rebuilding the suspension, the steering system, the brakes, and replacing numerous worn parts.

I replaced the NP231 T case with a NP241 from a gas 3/4 ton as the original was seized into 4Hi from when the truck spent it's last 10 years before me as a plow truck for the original owners golf course.

And last year I had to rebuild the 46RE, at which point I did quite a few upgrades to it.

However after 20 Ontario winters the body was getting punky and I decided that doing the body and getting it painted by my friend was cheaper then buying another truck.

I mean a few grand is better then $41k that this truck cost new. So I cut all the cancer out, welded in new sheet metal. Swapped any rotten panels I could, such as the tailgate, rear bumper, front fenders and front doors (which I still ended up having to put bottom skins on) and the box which I found a decent replacement for.

Then it went out to see Ryan who did the filler work, final fit and then painted the truck back to its PB3 Intense Blue Pearl that I fell on love with.

I made the decision to purchase reproduction graphics to complete the process.

And that brings everyone up to speed for now. I put the grille on yesterday, and Ryan's still working on the rear bumper which is cursed apparently.

Now that it's back home I'll start reassembly of it, I have door panels to put back on, some door seals, and some cavity wax to do.

You've done a great job, I'd be proud to own that truck...I bet the prior owners wouldn't believe it was the same vehicle!
Looks nice, can't believe your frame is not rotten, that stupid passenger compartment stiffener section has rotted on just about every one around here. That little bit colder weather must help.
Wow, Nick. Nice to see the progress, and see that old Ford doing it's thing.
I've been off here for a while too. Life hit me like a train. My beloved 06 Silverado and I were in an accident a few weeks back. Some guy doing 50+ ran a red light and t boned me... Thankfully the truck took the hit (Gotta give it up for the Bowtie... saved my life!) Unfortunately it's out of commission for now but not a total loss. The insurance says it's repairable, so hopefully it'll come back to me better than brand new! I thought about just selling it and getting a new truck, but the little single cab has always been such a good workhorse truck. It's made soooo many parts runs for me and carried a loaded 440 motor AND a 727 in the regular sized bed like nothing. Plus, who wants to deal with a $450 per month payment? I'm about to be 21 and I feel like I'm better off saving that money to put into my 68 Chrysler which means the world to me. I will try and get some updates soon here on the forums. Sadly when things have started to clear up (in life)... it started to get real ugly and rainy here in Cali... GREAT. Let's see when it clears up so I can get back to work on my ride!
Great looking pickup! Looks like it's getting ready for another life!

Wow, Nick. Nice to see the progress, and see that old Ford doing it's thing.
I love my little Ford Tractors, I blame them on Covid, I was bored and had nothing to do, so I bought one, then I bought another, and another, and another and now I have 4 right now and parted one.

This one is "Mutt", my '44 Ford 2N, the most reliable mechanical basterization. It has a '49 8N engine block which has two huge cracks in it that were welded, it has terrible blow by and burns oil, but the SOB starts every time even when it's -20.

I actually bought it for parts for my '42, but got it home and got playing with it and realized the guy I got it off was an idiot and had the timing off, I timed it, freshened up the carb and put a set of points in it and I can't keep it down now.

I hung the loader on it this spring, it's a David Skyline Model P90 made by Midwest products. I love it, it's hands down my favorite tool to have around.


Great looking pickup! Looks like it's getting ready for another life!


it currently has 272k, my goal is 500k and it's going to make it. I honestly can say I love this truck, I love how it drives, I love how it looks, I love the torque curve of the 360 Magnum, it's been the most reliable truck I've owned, every time anything has failed on it, I've still made it home.

Hard to beat from a truck I bought for $400.00
I mean a few grand is better then $41k that this truck cost new. So I cut all the cancer out, welded in new sheet metal. Swapped any rotten panels I could, such as the tailgate, rear bumper, front fenders and front doors (which I still ended up having to put bottom skins on) and the box which I found a decent replacement for.

Where did you get the replacement sheet metal panels and were you happy with the fit? I've got a few 2nd gen Ram projects of my own. Hard to beat a blue Sport model.