Neutralize antifreeze in the new carpet.


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
The first time I starter Goldie up she was leaking from the heater hose exit. I didn't realize it was flowing back past past the firewall on to the carpet. Now I have this nasty sticky carpet. Any suggestions, my home carpet cleaner doesn't have enough power.

Is there anything that neutralize the antifreeze? The regular carpet cleaner did not seem to make a difference.
The first time I starter Goldie up she was leaking from the heater hose exit. I didn't realize it was flowing back past past the firewall on to the carpet. Now I have this nasty sticky carpet. Any suggestions, my home carpet cleaner doesn't have enough power.

Is there anything that neutralize the antifreeze? The regular carpet cleaner did not seem to make a difference.

I found this Mike worth a try.

Removing antifreeze from carpet requires time and repetition.

The combination of cloth fibers and padding in a carpet can act like a sponge that makes the removal of liquids a challenge. While carpet staining is a concern in general, some substances are tougher to remove from a carpet than others. Antifreeze can be challenging because of its bright green or red color and the fact that it is toxic, making its removal vital.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves

  • Paper towels or absorbent cloth

  • White vinegar

  • Spray bottle

  • Dish soap

  • Cornmeal or baking soda

  • Vacuum


    • 1 Wearing rubber gloves, soak up as much of the antifreeze as you can with paper towels or an absorbent cloth.
    • 2 Mix a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
    • 3 Spray the mixture over the spill and let it sit for a minute. Soak the vinegar up with a paper towel or an absorbent cloth. Repeat this several times. You can also add a few drops of dish soap to the water and vinegar for added cleansing if needed.
    • 4 Sprinkle cornmeal or baking soda over the carpet and allow it to sit overnight. It will help absorb the remaining moisture and also control odor.
    • 5 Vacuum the cornmeal or baking soda off of the carpet. The antifreeze should be gone.
this got me to thinkin...cleaned my truck last week..threw some simple green cleaner and phone in a bag...cleaner got soaked ..under screen as well...thought it was toast...the girlfriend says throw it in a bag of rice and tie it up...threw it in bag of rice l did...rice sucked out all the moisture...saved phone..was thankfull...filed that tid bit..thinkin this would work for antifrezze as well..just throw down rice...lots...throw garbage bag over top and something around edges of bag to help seal...simple weight ect...this would work and wouls be easy to vacuum up with minimal for thought...or antifrezze...
It might be worth finding an auto detail shop and having them take care of it. A good shop will have a vacuum extractor that will suck the antifreeze out and shampoo the carpet.
Thanks guys I think I'll do all 3 if I have to. I was thinking white vinegar might be the trick. It may take several repeats to get it all up.