69 300 convertible

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It generally doesnt get in your blood, but the convetible bug has been known to bite

I disagree a bit......I think for most who want a conv, it's a must have, no compromises. The others are simply not conv people, you either have to have one or you couldn't care less if they existed. For instrance, my wife really has no desire to ride in a conv but will go out if I am taking the kids out. I, on the other hand, will pay double the price of a normal car for the conv version, cannot get the idea of a gorgeous conv pic against a great background......hardtops simply cannot compare.
Other than him being a fag? No.
Man, that sure looks like a convertible...

He made a lot of money being a flaming piano player..........in Vegas.
I guess it's a lost cause here with this vert thing since most of ya have been driving since the moonshot days.
There it is........
You all can be very smug about not needing A/C living up north.
You wouldn't make it through August before you cracked down here.
You don't see me puffing up my chest boasting that real men don't need heaters.....
Just roll up the windows.
So stop the fake acting that you're manly men by spewing "No one needs..."
No one "needs" a steering wheel either. A pair of vise-grips is all you "need"..
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You all can be very smug about not needing A/C living up north.
You wouldn't make it through August before you cracked down here.
You don't see me puffing up my chest boasting that real men don't need heaters.....
Just roll up the windows.
So stop the fake acting that you're manly men by spewing "No one needs..."
No one "needs" a steering wheel either. A pair of vise-grips is all you "need"..


Some of these yahoo's up north need to get out more. Come on down to Bama in July-August and we'll talk about A/C.
Fact is...... NO ONE needs a heater here.
You need heat you dont need A/C , its nice but its a luxury I can do without....get off it Stan. Face ig you couldnt Stand the Boston heat thats why you moved to Florida
Should make a camp fire and smoke the pipe of peace.
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