Jay Leno's 67 Imperial Crown Coupe

Mr C

Senior Member
Nov 20, 2012
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Here is a video where Jay Leno gushes praise on his largely unrestored (freshened engine and brakes) 67 Imperial Crown Coupe.

His facts aren't 100% correct (he calls it a Chrysler Imperial, and he mentions the cast iron torqueflite whish was of course aluminum by 67) but I'll forgive him since he own so many. I also categorically agree with all of his love for this car, he mentions it's fast several times... and anti-donk comments.

For your Imperial enjoyment.

Very nice video. Leno was more knowledgeable about the Imp than I expected. Matt, does your Imp have dual A/C? I love the power vent windows.
I have seen this video. I love it and he really goes into a lot of detail about the car and plus there are a few common points with my '66 300
He knows a lot about a lot of cars. I like Leno and admire his enthusiasm. Another nice Imperial interior, perhaps the 2nd nicest I have seen
He knows a lot about a lot of cars. I like Leno and admire his enthusiasm. Another nice Imperial interior, perhaps the 2nd nicest I have seen

I agree. I admire him too. Leno does a lot for and supports Veteran causes.
I wonder what his worth is? He spends a ton of money on his cars........He's been doing the tonight show how long?
$150-190 million. He earns $30 million a year for the Tonight Show. He has 84 cars and 73 motorcycles.
that much? He earns more than a ball player. I guess NBC played their hand when they let him go and it flopped. They need him
I remember him as a comedian on the Mike Douglas , Merv Griffin and Dinah Shore shows
Ya, someone that looks after his people is a great guy! I can remember him being a guest on Carson.
LOL! Back in the day a lot of people watched Carson when there was only 3 major channels.
With no remote controls...........and black & white when I was a kid. LOL!
My mom and dad won a black and white tv from the thrill show at the garden state race track. It was small, maybe 13" or 17" did they make one?

I remember them buying the 19" RCA XL100 in 73 or 74. I ran home at lunch to see the cartoons. The Banana splits never looked so good.