1969 Imperial Progress Videos


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2019
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
Well, since it has been a while since I have posted any updates I thought I would share a couple of videos I have put together for the progress I have made on my 69 Imperial.

I hope you enjoy them and I plan on adding more as I make more progress.

YouTube Links:

Fuselage cars often have bad quarters that have been worked over.
The pics of your car in the first video show what they should look like. You can tell this car is original. Especially how the skirts fit. There are multiple curves and you can see how they properly tuck in and under the car.

It's a great photo essay for prospective Fusey owners of "the look" they are after for the rear quarters.

I grew up in the rust belt and a sure fire signal that the quarters had be butchered was a car that no longer had fender skirts, because they could not get them to fit right anymore.

Congratulations on saving this beauty.
I really appreciate all of the kind words from everyone. I have to admit I enjoy every time I work on her and i still have more to go. But, I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel for getting this BBW (big beautiful woman) back on the road.
Like I said when I first joined this group, I needed help with the C-Body Sickness or addiction (whichever you prefer).
I can't wait until I get to take my first real drive when I get her road worthy. I realize there will be other problems that come up but I feel like a little kid that can't control himself. The car has been like therapy for me, makes me feel like I did with my first car. I will post more updates as I have them.
In the meantime let's keep working on keeping these works of art on the road.
Alrighty ladies and gentlemen I have another post.

I have my new mufflers installed on the car finally and I started replacing the shocks in the back, but I ran out of time.
I pulled the old shock off and it was completely dead. I squeezed it closed and it never even attempted to push back out. I believe it was way past due for new shocks. I will replace the others soon to complete that task. Another step to getting her back on the road.
Is there a lot of difference between the KYB,s and Billstein or Koni shocks ; …………..are the KYB,s strong enough for the heavy cars..?
Nice job all around and very nice walnut wheelcovers!:)
Is there a lot of difference between the KYB,s and Billstein or Koni shocks ; …………..are the KYB,s strong enough for the heavy cars..?
I cannot answer your question in relation to c bodies. But I have had several sets of Bilstein on other vehicles and I like them. I know some feel they are a little firm. I am curious to see how the KYB shocks perform.
Nice job all around and very nice walnut wheelcovers!:)
Thank you! I have about 8-9 hours in each of those wheel-covers between cleaning, polishing and masking. The painting only takes a couple of minutes.
I may be one of the few people stupid or sick enough to spend that kind of time on those.
Thank you! I have about 8-9 hours in each of those wheel-covers between cleaning, polishing and masking. The painting only takes a couple of minutes.
I may be one of the few people stupid or sick enough to spend that kind of time on those.
Yeah I could get 2 done in that amount of time...:lol:
I understand. Unfortunately, mine had so much dirt caked on the chrome spokes I had a hard time getting it off. I guess when you have been sitting for decades you will be a little dirty.
You ever here of a dishwasher???:poke:
I believe you and I bet it does do a good job. The dirt was literally caked on the spokes. The aggressive soap I used did not even look like it had been cleaned after washing them 3 times. So, I resorted to trying different polishes and I found one that worked well, but I had to go over it several times.
Just one word: WOW!

PS: What product did you use for the bumpers?
Just one word: WOW!

PS: What product did you use for the bumpers?
Hi Ayilar,
Thank you for the kind words! I have included an earlier link (below) to a post that shows some of the products I used so I apologize for the repetition. I used the Blue Magic Chrome Polish on the bumpers and I have used it on other vehicles. I really like it.
Cleaning Products