1967 Crown Imperial HTP - not mine

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Although being a fuselage freak, I think that's a sweet looking Imperial. The slab Imperials have their own "aura" about them I think, a bit more elegant in my opinion than the fuselage cars. I love the color combo..
Definitely on my bucket list:


But this is all I can afford:



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Stan,you have been talking about that bucket list recently...... You planning on checking out soon
Stan,you have been talking about that bucket list recently...... You planning on checking out soon
No, but,even though I'm in 100% perfect health, I am 63. Seriously, man, how much %$$#-ing PRODUCTIVE and USEFUL time do you think I have left? 10 years tops? Hell, I've got 50 years worth on the list and only chump change in my pocket...
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I know what you mean brother, I need another lifetime to get done what I want to. Listen, I know of a fellow who is 87 years old, goes to the gym, works in the yard, plays cards, still sharp he just cant hear.
The police chief in my town just turned 80, sharp as a tack and still very active with the ladies, cars and life in general. Dont cut yourself down at 73...Besides your in the right state to be "elderly" and driving.
Oh, don't worry. I don't have a predetermined time that I have to get everything done. In fact, Im looking forward to 70. That's when I'm going to start smoking cigarettes because I'm told that it takes 20 years for them to kill you....

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