A good day for another "Let's Discuss" thread.

The nature of regulation should be the subject of a democratic debate. I agree undue regulation is almost as bad as prohibition. Case in point the contraband trade in tobacco coming out of the reservations. Getting people help to kick a drug habit can be a productive form of regulation. At least they don`t need to mug anyone to get their next fix. The war on drugs isn't winnable in a democracy is my only point.
That's a very interesting point of view. I had never thought of it that way before.

Prohibition doesn't work, we can maybe even all agree to that. But, as Stan points out, regulation isn't necessarily the answer.

Handing marijuana to the BATF would be a joke. And legalizing it without allowing people to grow their own is like telling people not to grow tomatoes.

No way the government will let the people grow their own, its a huge cash cow that would have to be monopolized for milking maximum profits.
Lots of people already grow their own and the criminal penalty for doing so is beyond outrageous.

Fred's theory of democratic debate is nice but our government's been hijacked & there's no such thing as meaningful debate within the two party system.
No way the government will let the people grow their own, its a huge cash cow that would have to be monopolized for milking maximum profits.
My point exactly.
And the medical research companies are the ones pushing for legalization and regulation. Under the guise of "medical marijuana" they are investing millions to capture the market. Just what we need. $100.00/gram weed by prescription only with "clinic"s on every corner in the shabby neighborhoods writing scripts at $250 a visit to anybody who walks in.


They are already raping you on Glucophage, a drug used in the management of type-2 diabetes. The average cost of Glucophage is $90.38.

BTW, can you tell I'm a fanatical Civil Libertarian?


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I'm officially on the decriminalization bandwagon.

And, when my kids grow up & leave the nest, I'm gonna start growing my own tomatoes.
Two stories on the local news today about local drug busts. Both large enough quantities to be federal crimes. I'm absolutely baffled by that.
The U.S. NEEDS to keep the DEA in place as a cover for having storm troopers driving around.
Why was every DEA Field Operation agent involved in the Boston Marathon lock down of Boston and every surrounding town. Why were they already there?


Many people will say "Well just be thankful they were there."

Umm.. Thanks...........
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I come from Australia which has the state police and federal police, the feds there don't get involved in local matters at all, the only cops you see are the state police, that's it, no one else, i came here to America and at the airport saw three different uniforms for three different branches of security etc right there, coming out of the airport, holy crap.
The scariest documentary you will ever see.
Watched the entire series last night. Left me extremely upset...

Loose Change 9/11

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The "war" on drugs wont work in any country. Only countries that have super-harsh penalties sees a smaller amount of drug selling/smuggling, like in the Middle East and China to name a few. Over here, our laws are pretty easy-going for drug dealers and users, that's why no one is losing a hand or a head or their brain matter because of drug dealing, which can get you life in Thailand or death in China. The sicker our society becomes, the more people are needing/wanting to get their liberal little hands on drugs. It is a circle that would feed on itself. Drug use has sooo many and varied ways it infects our society and ruins lives, relationships, careers, aspirations! Drugs are for losers who have no future or don't want one or wont work for a good one.
The "war" on drugs wont work in any country. Only countries that have super-harsh penalties sees a smaller amount of drug selling/smuggling, like in the Middle East and China to name a few. Over here, our laws are pretty easy-going for drug dealers and users, that's why no one is losing a hand or a head or their brain matter because of drug dealing, which can get you life in Thailand or death in China. The sicker our society becomes, the more people are needing/wanting to get their liberal little hands on drugs. It is a circle that would feed on itself. Drug use has sooo many and varied ways it infects our society and ruins lives, relationships, careers, aspirations! Drugs are for losers who have no future or don't want one or wont work for a good one.
So if someone smokes pot, That makes them A Loser? You know Pot is considered a Schedule 1 Drug. The same as Herion. That seems a bit Drastic too me. Alcohol is a Drug. Alcohol is the Loser.
An addiction is an addiction whether it's to pot,**** or the Pope. When it overtakes your life and becomes all consuming it is a disease. If you can still function like a "normal" human and stay outta trouble knock yourself out. If you're breaking into my house to steal my TV to buy your next hit I'll introduce you to MR Smith & MR Wesson. Now if you are addicted to C bodies welcome to our support group where help is only a post away.
I say legalize them all regulate and tax, overdoses and addictions are going to continue either way, alcohol and tobacco are just as addicting and harmful, also if I can buy any kind of gun I want at some gun show in a civic center or fire hall but I have to go to some shady neighborhood and deal with some goofy people to buy a joint, come on the war on drugs is a another scare tactic "ohhhh the drug dealer boogieman is going to get you" so we need more money to keep you safe, from what make them legal then let a renegade drug dealer try to undercut Wal-Mart, he will be wishing for the old system, just looking out for DEA. JMO

First, you can't go to a gun show and buy any kind of gun you want.
Second, the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee the right to be a crackhead.
Third, if you want to legalize drugs, then legalize being allowed to put a bullet in the head of some crackhead that's breaking into my car to steal stuff that I worked for, because they can't, or won't keep a job. If they even bother to try to get a job. Or when some junkie runs into my car because they are stoned, and of course have no insurance.
While I'm at it, the taxes collected from the sales of "recreational drugs" can subsidize all ammo used as a "deterrent" to crime caused by drug users.
Drug abuse is NOT a disease, it is a self-inflicted problem.
You can throw alcohol in with that too if you want to.
You made my point, 67-Fury. Schedual 1 is the worst. It is a gateway drug. Drugs are for freakin' LOSERS! Go find something else to blow your money on, like a project car. Can't be healthy in body OR MIND if it is clouded with drugs! Alcohol does kill lots of people every year. Drugs destroy. It is escapism. Running from life, your problems. What you resist persists. You will never convince a smart, financially successful man that drugs could've played an important roll in the road to that success.
The quality of our society is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONATE to the quality of our citizens, THAT'S WHY our country is going to hell in a handbag my friends. The libturds/"progressives"(actually REgressives is more like it) have taken over nearly every facet of our society, like the movie, fashion, music, media and education industries! In our colleges, they are turning our young adults into socialist/commie apologists and those that are not white, are turned into raging racists/bigots who want to be forever catered to because they are the minority.