A good day for another "Let's Discuss" thread.

They probably were committing interstate trafficking, you know, across state lines. Drugs are a poison to our society and making them legal, like Spain, has worked out WONDERFULLY! They legalized heroin and coke use. Holland tolerates pot shops and the growing of it, but have recently cracked down because it is negatively affecting our society. Colorado said they have had an increase in the amount of traffic accidents from people driving high. Most drug users are from the middle to lower-middle and poor classes as a way to relieve stress, anger at their position in life, etc. It is used to escape. You don't need drugs to enjoy ANYTHING. That is bullshit and whoever REALLY believes that is ready to buy that bridge in Brooklyn I have for sale. Tell yourself whatever you need to hear. Anything but the truth is Drug's mantra.
You need to back THAT ACCUSATION up with facts, truth. Politicians make their deals behind closed doors, speaking engagements, endorsements, etc.
Holland let individuals and coffee shops grow their own. Seed companies grow their own. Holland is now trying to cut back on that freedom though, as they should! They found that it is not too good for their society now.
No, not steve jobs. He was an angry, hard-to-get-along with nut, like most libs. Stay on YOUR MEDS, commando.
And btw, you know damn good and well what drugs I am talking about. Not prescribed drugs used to even people out, ok. Don't be facetious.
What storm troopers? They were not already there. Agents can get anywhere in the US via planes, jet planes that go zoooom!
Only countries that have super-harsh penalties sees a smaller amount of drug selling/smuggling, like in the Middle East and China to name a few.
There are some model countries we should be more like.:rofl:
For the people that are concerned about theft going up with drug legalization, you may be right to a small extent but, I will let you in a a little secret them being illegal is not stopping anything, just created another defacto welfare system of payroll specialized law enforcement that produces little results ( like with a rowboat and a fishing pole you are going to reduce the amount of fish in the sea). Drug dealing is the the epitome of capitalism, look how well it does yet everyone is against it. Plus it is a survival of the fittest if you can not get addicted, not overdose, not be too high to bathe and feed yourself you will survive if not, well we are keeping people alive longer with drugs maybe it's time some fall to the sword.
What's interesting to me is,3 of my kids are cops, as is my son in law.
The times they arrest for weed, is usually when there is accompanying stupidity of some other sort. Weed possession can just be a ticket to appear.
I don't partake, but they should just legalize it already.
As such with life, the war on drugs is just a big business money grab.
Aw they were just the miss-guided fellowz that waz runnin' nose candy into the Mena, Ar. Airport when Slick Willie and the missus waz runnin' the swap partyz back when they waz keepin' house in Little Rock. Shirley They've suffered enough in the last 20 yearz

I watched a documentary on that. All the arrows sure pointed at Bill being complicit. The CIA flying drugs in, Barry Seal etc.
IMO the Clintons don't have the integrity needed to be a dog catcher.
Yeah and the only time she ever did deep knee bendz on Slick Williez willie waz so they could have ah family and it would look better on their resumes. And look at the poor sole that union brought into the world!
Yeah and the only time she ever did deep knee bendz on Slick Williez willie waz so they could have ah family and it would look better on their resumes. And look at the poor sole that union brought into the world!
Like her parents, she has no soul.
You made my point, 67-Fury. Schedual 1 is the worst. It is a gateway drug. Drugs are for freakin' LOSERS! Go find something else to blow your money on, like a project car. Can't be healthy in body OR MIND if it is clouded with drugs! Alcohol does kill lots of people every year. Drugs destroy. It is escapism. Running from life, your problems. What you resist persists. You will never convince a smart, financially successful man that drugs could've played an important roll in the road to that success.
you are insane if you think pot is as bad as Herion.
Here is a idea. We can pick a group of people druggie, drug dealers, Chevy people, Ford people, little Asian car lovers, whatever someone can dictate who it should be, I'm not that kind of leader. We can blame all of our woes on them We can then follow like sheep and round them up into a holding area or camp, or at least get them concentrated in one area then figure out what to do with them, if they were eliminated, poof all our problems would be gone. Can't believe no one ever thought of this before.
Uh, I never said pot is as bad as heroin. Btw, professor, start asking all the heroin addicts what was the first drug they got hooked on and they will most likely tell you P O T.
you are insane if you think pot is as bad as Herion.
Just like a libturd to take something out of nothing, like your thought that I actually SAID that pot is just as bad as heroin. In fact, if you think about it long and hard, me, just a short while, pot is very dangerous, because so many people think it is harmless. Yeah, right. It's just as bad as smoking unfiltered cigs. Has all kinds of carcinogens and lulls its users into believing it is harmless, when it is clearly a gate-way drug for millions. 'Nuff said. I'm outa here. Have at it.
Druggies gonna drug, drinkers gonna drink, Forders gonna Ford. Prohibition never has and never will work.
How do I know if I am a "libturd'? I don't think I want to be one.
Uh, I never said pot is as bad as heroin. Btw, professor, start asking all the heroin addicts what was the first drug they got hooked on and they will most likely tell you P O T.
Probably Opioids. You know the "Legal" form of Herion. They get hooked on those then go to herion as it is cheaper. Pot being a Gateway drug is Just some Lame *** scapegoat.