A good day for another "Let's Discuss" thread.

Your opinion of me is exactly that....yours. I hold no grudges against you and will not stoop to name calling, although nitwitt is a name..... Maybe you've had bad experiences with these things and for safety's sake you have nothing to do with anyone that has. We're still car guys and that's what we are here for. Although I have missed Stans stirring stick for a bit now. I'm good with me! I have forgiven myself many years ago....... Honestly the biggest gateway drug is....is influence. That's why my children do not witness my atrocities. There's a time and place for everything. Had I not seen these things regularly as child.....who knows!! Anyway ...... I still love ya bro!(hug)
Cant Handle others opinions, And Does not know how to have a Civil Discussion without getting Pussyhurt.
Too many people talking out their asses. They think they are the rule and not the exception. You are the exception. The stupid **** you did while high and drunk happened a long time ago and it still kills people NOW. You don't know **** about my life or my experience so back off. Your drug use is a horrible example to set for your little girls. Shame on you and your lousy opinion. People steal because they lose their jobs from drug addiction. You and 67 Fury need to go try that **** with an addiction councilor and those who have overcome addiction. You wouldn't last 1 minute in a conversation with them. I don't need help from everyone here. Just those who aren't jackasses. I don't pull any punches people, so don't cross me. Let's all just leave this topic alone. You wont convince me and logic, history and reasoning wont convince you.
you dont know How he Raises his kids and It is none of your God Dam buisness. You want people to back off your life, Then you back the hell out of theirs.
No, not steve jobs. He was an angry, hard-to-get-along with nut, like most libs. Stay on YOUR MEDS, commando.
And btw, you know damn good and well what drugs I am talking about. Not prescribed drugs used to even people out, ok. Don't be facetious.
Too many people talking out their asses. They think they are the rule and not the exception. You are the exception. The stupid **** you did while high and drunk happened a long time ago and it still kills people NOW. You don't know **** about my life or my experience so back off. Your drug use is a horrible example to set for your little girls. Shame on you and your lousy opinion. People steal because they lose their jobs from drug addiction. You and 67 Fury need to go try that **** with an addiction councilor and those who have overcome addiction. You wouldn't last 1 minute in a conversation with them. I don't need help from everyone here. Just those who aren't jackasses. I don't pull any punches people, so don't cross me. Let's all just leave this topic alone. You wont convince me and logic, history and reasoning wont convince you.
Holy ****. WTF?
Stay on your "meds", buddy.
A little levity

I realized along time ago....in a galaxy far far away, I am not perfect. I am in no position to judge anyone for anything! Yes my perception of things is a bit twisted and yes I've been called an a hole more than once(never a liberal tho). I only get one life.....and there's not enough room to move while standing on a soap box. My children and their behavior speak for themselves. To say the least I am a proud poppa!! Furiousone I respect your right to an opinion. Even if you've never left your safe zone. Not my words but words I live by!
"Love hard and forgive often!"
I'm chillin with my four cats, a cup of coffee, and a plate of butter-garlic pita chips. Also thinking, WTF?? ...
I'm chillin with my four cats, a cup of coffee, and a plate of butter-garlic pita chips. Also thinking, WTF?? ...
Coffee and Butter Garlic. Man, Your breath must be kicking.
The cats will forgive the breath...
I too have been looking at all this thinking WTF?

I don't know if we need a bonding exercise or a couple pairs of boxing gloves... For those getting too emotionally involved... Chill The F#$% Out... Please. Lots more of those around you have other opinions than yours, but don't feel the need to shout them.

Furiousone, I am very glad you got the "quote" button worked out... back on page three I had thought you were talking to yourself for a while.
wow...this is one rambling thread...drugs, race, politics, religion....pretty much covers it all.
I have severe A.D.D. Caffeine is my Ritalin. I drink it to go to sleep. It's my #1 drug of choice. Take it away and I will harm you severely.
I wouldn't dream of it...... Sip on Stan! I'll remember this for the future, I haven't taken my Ritalin since '87...