B.I.N. $6,000.00 - No comment

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that was because the maniac with the rabbits in the trunk was high/drunk and generally out of his ever loving mind .. not necessarily the shackles but they didn't exactly help anything either

Start it at about 4:03 if you want to get straight to the Fury

I dont believe I ever saw the movie

It's worth watching. 1974 and a lot of Mopars in it.


Thanks Tallhair, that was outrageous

Yes it was and that crazy dude is right .. that motor sounds great

I dont believe I ever saw the movie

I highly recommend it .. great actors including the character actors and plenty of action, and a decent story

It's worth watching. 1974 and a lot of Mopars in it.



Agreed Bob. Lot's of nice, of the period cars in it, and lot's of countryside and a good depiction of the era .. kind of a snapshot in time

all the old ones are worth watching

Yep, I love quality old movies .. there were so many more than are being "produced" today
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