Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build


FCBO Gold Member
Mar 16, 2023
Reaction score
Purists please avert your eyes... You've been warned... If this is not appropriate, Mods, I understand....

I am combining these 2 cars by essentially reskinning the 1998 Corvette with the 1959 Coronet sheet metal. End point is open engine compartment and maybe a sized down front clip from a 1961/2 Chrysler 300, Newport,, etc....

keep posting pics. Very interesting. I have access to several 4 door 59 cars, and I am enjoying your ideas and the creative thinking. I am thinking about doing a truck project with a 59 rear clip. Post more pics.
Wow, you are incredibly ambitious! I think I can see your vision, however there are alot of different directions you could go. Do you have any sketches? I have too many questions, I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.
A little less rat than that pickup...

My first photochop was with a Studebaker, but when I found the Coronet, I decided to go with Dodge... I've since ditched the idea of the T Bucket type front-end..

Yes, build away.
I hate rat rods so please paint it properly when done.
I don't have the ability, talent, vision, or time to do something like this, but can't wait to see it done.
I only hope it doesn't end up partially completed and abandoned.
To each his own, Never been much a SUPER modified type of car nut myself. However, credit where it's due. Keep building, it'll be one of a kind.
The odds are good that I'll complete it. My last build took 11 years but it's finally pretty much done. This one is child's play compared to that... We've bounced around color ideas already... I was leaning towards coral two tone as I want as much 50s vibe as I can get but my wife doesn't want pink. We both like the red/white on Christine but don't want to hear Christine comments or that music mysteriously coming from the radio! :) At the top of the list right now is a darkish red and tan/ivory kinda color for the fins and roof.
The odds are good that I'll complete it. My last build took 11 years but it's finally pretty much done. This one is child's play compared to that... We've bounced around color ideas already... I was leaning towards coral two tone as I want as much 50s vibe as I can get but my wife doesn't want pink. We both like the red/white on Christine but don't want to hear Christine comments or that music mysteriously coming from the radio! :) At the top of the list right now is a darkish red and tan/ivory kinda color for the fins and roof.
Something like this?

One of One! LOL!!!!!! Think they'll let me into Bowling Green with it?

Yup, pretty much those colors only rearranged a bit... tan on the roof and fins, red on the body...